
... Or it was some pedophile who then went home and whacked off to the vision of you watching his video and getting off ...

Are you saying that Pac-12 officials were officiating this game? Don’t they get officials from neutral conferences to officiate interconference games?

That's great in theory, but it practice it just gets you marked as a crazy bitch who violently assaults innocent men just engaged in a bit of "harmless fun". Remember how lorena bobbitt was pilloried? If you react aggressively then you are the real monster, if you don't then it was "no big deal".

Is it possible that he lost track of the score and thought they were down ten instead of seven, hence the whole "two scores" thing? I mean, kicking the fg would still be the wrong call down ten, but there it would be less incomprehensible ...

He’s not playing baseball, he's cosplaying, pretending to be a baseabll player so christian conservatives can masturbate to his image.

What on earth are you talking about? Locking him away before trial accomplishes thr worthwhile goal of preventing him from sexually assaulting anyone before trial. What kind of nutjob rape apologist would you have to be to argue that probable sexual assaulters aren’t a threat to public safety? This is not a crime they

That would only make him more popular with deplorables.

That's not what he means by "persecution" and you know it, rape apologist. Let's be honest, it's not a good look for you to keep showing up in these comment sections on the rape apologist side of the ledger.

Let’s be honest for once - you’re a rape apologist who would search for a pretext to trust him in any employment position, because your underlying agenda is an attack on the very concept of the safety for women and girls, which you dismiss as “imaginary” - you’re just too chicken shit to admit your real motivations. Se

Maybe, but the bank owes that money to the other party whether they recover it from you or not, and whether or not that other party gets their money back has nothing to do with whether you give the money you got back or not - it depends on how effectively the other party contests the bank error. In your case there’s

A real business genius would do Taco Tuesday ironically on Sunday until it became a thing.

I'm sure you also edited michelangelo’s design to increase the size of your/david’s dong, for versimilitude, naturally?

You don’t actually know that, and you are lying to yourself when you pretend you do. It’s very common for women to go back to men who have abused them, sexually or otherwise, out of material necessity or as a result of lifelong social conditioning to toxic politeness - forgive, extend good faith (even where it is

Never believe anything anyone says before the word "but". 

Actual athletes competing naked? Absolutely! Gamers competing naked? No thanks ...

Eco-fascism is just plain ol' fascism covered by a pretext

What kind of parents let their daughters anywhere near kobe? If the most he ruins is their love of sport, then the worst is averted, I guess.

... But donald just chucked bolton to the curb even though bolton is excellent at pwning the libs and invading iran would be a great way of getting the deplorables to howl at the moon. All the way to the top, conservatives learned a lesson from the dubya fiasco and now only (mostly) kick muslims around here in the us.

So if marvel was deliberately trying to stir up fan rivalry/proxy warfare between marvel and DC fans, would that make marvel fans saying "we" okay, or would that make it even more insufferably obnoxious?

Don’t duck the argument. What do you follow, what are you emotionally invested in? What does “the team I follow” refer to? If you ever find yourself thinking things like “we should cut that guy” then it’s not the players you are emotionally invested in, they are not the team you follow. This is not deep at all, let