
If she were making it up, why would she make up details that allow rape apologists like you to discredit her? Or are you suggesting she actually was raped and didn’t speak up not out of fear of the consequences of reporting, but because she hoped AB would rape her again and she would therefore be able to sue for more,

You should be substantiating your claims here, for example I just looked up the first booster I could think of up off the top of my head, t boone pickens, and it turns out only $265M of his $500M in donations to okst have gone to athletics. Think an hbcu couldn’t have benefitted from that remaining $235 million?

Uh, the boat's already sailed on that one ...

LOL. Partial honesty points, I guess, for openly admitting you want to do it this way in order to violate labor laws and title IX, but come on, man - everybody knows these “endorsements” are going to be as legit as a three dollar bill, just conduits for booster money. That's why up and down the comment section you

I think you are underestimating CA's size - its population is the equivalent of all those states combined except new york and one of OH/MI/PA.

Bad sign when you have to start inventing conspiracy theories one week into your putative super bowl run. Why didn't you browns fans have the foresight to know the wicked refs would conspire against you before you started running your mouths off?

Much as I hate notre dame, there's no way you can reasonably include them on a list with tennessee and nebraska.

Sustained excellence is a lot to ask for. “I prefer to win the championship every year!” Of course you do. But if you had the choice between winning once and cratering the team for a few years, or merely being consistently competitive, you’d rather take the option without the championship? Because that’s an unusual

Calling white people by racial slurs only confirms their racial privilege. 

A factor you're missing is that AB is valuable, whereas you are worthless. He deserves better treatment than you.

LOL, never mind that drew endorsed concentration camps, a decade ago mind you, before it was cool, at least one of his friends is a vapid celebrity whore who happens to identify as homosexual, so he must really be a decent guy. Your troll game is impressive.

Google the paradox of tolerance, dumbass. It is wrong to extend tolerance to people like drew brees whose purpose is to cynically use the tolerance they have received to undermine the tolerance social contract. It's a luxury we cannot afford.

Don't like what we say about Drew, then just ignore it, you stupid hypocrite. Quit being a crybaby, you triggered snowflake. You are the epitome of "freedom of speech is a one-way street": you think only drew is entitled to freedom of his speech, and his critics must shut up.

Drew Brees is a grinning psychopath who would gladly sign the order shipping you off to the concentration camps if political circumstances were right. He literally, no shit, did a propaganda tour touting the benevolence of our treatment of gitmo detainees. Any accounts you’ve heard of drew being a decent human being

Trump’s death will salvage nothing; he will only be followed by worse deplorables, starting with Pence. Trump is the guy who dynamited the dam, but the real problem is the floodsurge of deplorables rushing through that breach.

You might as well be saying that neo-nazis and antifa are referring to two different historical figures, each supposedly the leader of the third reich, when they each refer to “Hitler”, because their descriptions of him vary substantially. No matter how drastically descriptions of a particular person (or god) vary,

There’s only one key to fraud: you have to able to appear to believe that what you’re saying is obviously true (it helps if you reject all reality testing for yourself, drink your own kool-aid and believe yourself whatever you want to tell others) and then your audience will concede to you - they will doubt or set

You know you’ve got a serious case of partisan derangement syndrome going on when you feel a compulsion to lie to social justice warriors about what social justice entails - who do you think you’re fooling? Are you even convincing yourself? This is hardly surprising, of course, given the dishonesty of your comment

What the term evokes is very specifically what happened here, and you’re trying to push back the overton window on child porn because you are sick in the head. For future reference, short eyes, the old “ephebophilia, not pedophilia” disclaimer is not actually rendered more acceptable by not using those specific words.

Thanks for outing yourself as a rape apologist.