Stupid kinja. Anyway, don’t say that too loud, you’ll give trump’s space force ideas.
Stupid kinja. Anyway, don’t say that too loud, you’ll give trump’s space force ideas.
He's gonna have some serious anger issues and therefore teenage rebellion to deal with, I'm betting on #1.
“My family came here legally, we have no tolerance for others that do not.”
You deplorables have been demonizing your opposition for decades, literally in the case of Christian conservatives, but now that it’s your ox that’s being gored you are going to call for civility? You obviously don’t believe a thing you say. And we’ve all seen Trump being racist on TV, so it’s weird that you think…
“we are all Americans”
Why do you want to pamper your great grandkids into becoming failsons, tho? Inherited wealth is a poison.
Their opposing force is maybe a few thousand people, more likely a few hundred. The idea that millions of lazy, worthless deplorables are going to get off the couch and go to war, when most of these people are willing to sit around and do nothing about abortion, for example, which they describe as mass murder, is…
No, roe v wade and unleaded gasoline is what produced those reductions in gun violence, but I realize that’s inconvenient for you. And islamist terrorism is a rounding error on american mortality rates, but look how much we spend on preventing it ... Because the social effects of a phenomenon are not a function of its…
Modern day americans are too lazy to hide jews should a hitler arise here. How many of us bother to hide illegal immigrants from ICE?
They come from domestic violence situations but I guess we should keep those families together, right? You can’t fix a family once it’s broken. The only solution is communal substitutes for the family, to fill the holes left by families that are broken. Well, that plus more easily accessible birth control and abortion,…
But video games are irrelevant as is nearly all “mental illness”. Sacrificing the interests of those people won't help solve the problem. You seem to be indulging in golden mean fallacy.
These are people who (pretend to) think abortionists commit mass murder every year, and yet how many of them have the gumption to go out and kill an abortion doctor? No. They’ll vote for authoritarians who will commit atrocities, but these deplorable schmucks are too lazy to actually wage a civil war on their own…
right back atcha, pal. You and your wife are not some snowflakes special enough that we should trust on faith your assessment of your potential dangerousness, “psychodog”. Especially given that being on the nutjob spectrum generally causes you to be unaware that you’re a nutjob. And the arrogance, rage and lack of…
No. The dilemma in minority report was that they were arresting people who had no intent to commit any crime, didn’t even necessarily bear their future targets any ill will, but who would some day in the future develop the intent to commit a crime.* That’s not even in the same ballpark legally or morally as busting…
Are you a russian mole, planted at splinter to make the progressive movement look stupid? You’re not going to watch Our Boys because it has the word “Boys” in the title? The editor in chief of splinter apparently thought “there are things coming out and they all have the word ‘boys’ in the title! That’s gold, Jerry,…
We don’t need US farmers for any of those things, so long as we don’t get involved in a disastrous trade war, and in particular we don’t need small farmers for them.
I think merely referencing that song in 2017 constituted bringing necro back.
If dog kisses are what cause you to live on with a quadruple amputation, then you lose. Although in that scenario I’d just tell the doctors to stop treatment ...
The germs in the mouth of any homo sapiens you kiss are more dangerous than the germs in the dog poop and vomit you’re concerned about. The human poop germs on every public keyboard you touch, in every sponge anyone uses to wipe the kitchen counters you/your food will eventually touch, are all more dangerous than the…
Diana Ross weeps.