
And you still haven't grown up? How pathetic. Maybe try to make something out of your life?

In fairness, saying he can't read a chart could be described as hyperbole matched to hyperbole.

He actually has 99 donors but a billionaire ain’t one of them.

The general public hasn't begun paying attention yet. Wait til next year.

Perhaps it's bernie who should come to jesus? Or to crib from a different religion, if warren will not come to bernie, then bernie should come to warren.

A close proximity firefight? You know diddly squat about being in a close proximity firefight. You think you're going to let your targets so close to you you don't have the space to swing a 3' weapon but you're also going to have time to reload? 


“I win six championships ... But do they call me tommy six rings? No. But ye kiss ONE goat ..."

And most importantly, Obama is fucking catnip to the MAGAts”

If the police were to arrest every woman-hating, socially outcast, creep, there would be not enough prisons.”

Incel is a state of mind.

What makes you think the percentage of minorities in a society has anything to do with its level of racism? What percentage of germany was jewish at the dawn of the third reich? Let’s be clear: your society is islamophobic, antisemitic and more (ask the black football players in your country how conditions are for

But doesn’t it make you think about the 60's and 70's, and how real fucking protests, that exacted real fucking change, happened during that period? People were seemingly more motivated.”

*white Christian minority - depending on your definition of “Christian” of course, but using it the way they mean it when not being used for tactical purposes they’ve been in the minority for a long time - arguably all the way back to the founding of the first colonies when the devout had to enforce religious piety on

Everybody's smarter than dr manhattan, he was outthought or led around by the nose by everyone. One of the subtleties of the work: just having access to more information than a normal person doesn't make you smart.

Change the constitution? No, silly. All you have to do is change the makeup of the supreme court. For better or for worse, it’s clear now that the constitution has no fixed meaning - it means only what a majority of sc justices want it to mean. From that perspective a constitutional amendment is irrelevant - if

I mean, to get rid of the guns we're going to have to use law enforcement sweeps. So we'd better get them used to treating the alt-right as their enemy sooner rather than later.

That’s exactly why this approach is necessary. If you want to beat a hydra and you don’t have a flaming sword, your only option is to get its heads to attack each other. If we can get the fbi to crack down on the alt-right, if we can get the alt-right pissed off enough to go after fbi personnel, make the fbi circle

How does that rebut his thesis? Are you under the impression that only white people can racially abuse people of color? How do you suppose a nonwhite cop gets by, retains the solidarity of his co-workers?

Opiates are not a comparable strike to the heart of public order. You can’t intimidate 150 million people by handing out a prescription for oxycontin. This is the same reason people make a big deal out of “terrorism” (ie politically motivated violence committed by nonwhite people). The us death toll from “terrorism" is