
Don’t forget the secret gay meetings. How does a gay black Muslim keep the calendar straight?!!

You ask this with a surprised tone. The answer is yes. He really does think all black people know each other. Also, they all look alike to him, too.

Disappointed. There doesn’t need to be a black person on this dysfunctional and ridiculous show. I am very happy for white people to own this nonsense.

I bet Trump has been doing this handshake his entire adult life. It was probably a life lesson from his father Fred Trump or his other father Roy Cohn about “winning the handshake,” or having a powerful “first move.” He probably grips as hard as he can then he yanks the other party toward himself so that other

It further proves one can’t buy class.

This is so deliciously good.

Asexual people exist you know. Honestly, just speak for yourself. Some people don’t care about sex as much as you do. And some people do, but end up glad they waited because it was the right solution for them.

I don’t know, I have some religious friends who waited until marriage and they seem to be doing fine. One thing I will say about this group is they are all highly educated people, who, though most of them were raised in religious households, made the decision as young adults to be more religious, and also didn’t get

A former friend of mine was a devout Catholic. She was hellbent on being a virgin on her wedding night so much so she refused gyno exams.

Great article. And it reminded me of the comparative film criticism class I took where we discussed Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner. I can’t remember the quote (I THINK it was Melvin Van Peebles) but he talked about how Sidney Poitier’s character is basically a saint and how that’s the only way he’s seen as good enough

You make a very good point with this list. I do take except to “2004 - Jamie Foxx - a singer who uses heroin”. He won for playing Ray Charles, not just some “singer who uses heroin”, which is very reductive and diminishes both men’s accomplishments.

You know, stuff like this almost makes me have a modicum of empathy for Donald Trump.


Let me see. Mosques? Nah. Synagogues? Nah. Black churches? Nah. Waiting for what the statement is when a white church is shot up or bombed or threatened.  

This is some petty shit and I am living for it.

Trump doesn’t want to be President. In about two weeks, everyone will be so fucking pissed at him that he’ll just walk away from it all, stating that he’ll “continue to fight for you”.....just not as President. Mike Penis will take over, not do anything, and be soundly defeated in 2020.

I am really frustrated with all the Trump supporters who have been fine with all the sexism and racism, threats, claiming Obama is a muslim commie, etc. who are now saying, “It’s time to shut up and get on board. We all have to work together.” Huh. What changed? Fuck that.

Spencer did nazi that coming....

If the guy who punched him gets arrested I will gladly donate to a fund to pay his bail. That guy is the hero we need right now.

No there’s not, but I don’t think we should punish any non-partisan group who has decided, for whatever reason, to uphold tradition and participate this year. I support everyone who has decided to sit this year out. It’s the choice that I personally would make, if my choice was one that mattered. I think this is a