
Trump is confused by the meaning of the most famous phrase from the Declaration of Independence, come to that...

Oh, you beautiful, naive creature. Clinton/emails/BENGHAZI will always be pertinent deflections! But he already won the election and Clinton isn’t running so it makes no sense to even talk about those things, you insist? Oh, hahahaha, see, you’re confused because you’re expecting the usage of logic and for things to

Yeah I can’t tell you how often i have been startled awake from a deep sleep, wondering out loud “how does Rob Schneider feel about this?”

But remember people, Hillary was just as bad as Trump and people who voted Third Party just so they could personally feel good aren’t selfish in anyway.

How dare he besmirch the name of Dairy Queen! Temple of teen hooliganisms and meeting spots for My Weed Guys (TM) everywhere!

Star for “guy who sews in his hair”

I also think there is a need to take into account the gender issues that were much more at play with the Clintons. I come from kind of a similar background (minus the Presidency of course!). My parents were both extremely politically active, deeply involved in civil rights and particularly poverty issues. They were a

Well since you brought it up......people are saying it’s true. I read it on the internet. People are saying it. I think it’s true. I heard he’s a big old bottom and that he has a pee fetish. Just sayin. 

I don’t find the Clinton example ironic. I think it is correct. And, if Kushner had any relevant experience or expertise, I would not have a problem with this. The issue is not nepotism so much as lack of qualifications. He is as unqualified as a number of Trump appointees- is Bannon more acceptable because he is a

I think he’s surrounding himself with family members like any paranoid mobster would.

It just keep his preferred FLOTUS in town.

I recently heard a rumor from a college classmate of Kushner’s that he had (or is still having—it was unclear) a lengthy affair with his male hairdresser. No clue if there’s a shred of truth to it—and since nothing good ever happens, I wouldn’t bet on it—but a boy can dream...

He doesn’t have a problem with people of color being referred to skin color — notice that in the story where he was moved to tears by his own amazing generosity, he called the kid black. He has a problem with being referred to by the color of his skin because that makes him sound like lowly minority instead of

We can mock him, but I know how Bice feels. One time a black woman bumped me with her shopping cart and didn’t say excuse me and now I truly identify with the victims of lynchings. Can’t we all just get along?

“If the tables had been turned and I had used something...and been as insensitive as to say something like that, you’re talking about I would be boycotted, there would be people not buying my albums...”

Wait, he referred to his Build a Bear recipient as black, while complaining that someone referred to his skin color. FOH.

The clapback at Steve Martin really bugged me. Most of the people clutching their pearls over his tweet are the same kind of people who either don’t want to get out of their own misery porn, or spend their lives looking for anyone to say anything even remotely insensitive on the internet.

Americans care about that damn gorilla  than they care about the black body he was dragging. Is there a situation in 2016 that better represents how this country feels about black bodies? Animals>Black bodies.

1) Lindsay Lohan became famous because of The Parent Trap, at least in my world.

2) There is already a Mean Girls 2 and it is horrible.

Lol at the commenters who seem to think they know what’s good for Williams more than Williams herself does.