
Re: the “sweet quiet boys”thing.

Grenier can sometimes be a self-important jerk, but I agree with his take on plastic straws. His addressing dangerous levels of pollution does not mean racism is less important than environmental protections.

This is a long-winded piece wherein Juzwiak tries to squeeze something juicy out of an artist who’d like to talk about her music.

people who have suffered abuse and other trauma are OVERWHELMINGLY over-represented among defendants.

“Yes they deserved to die and I hope they burn in Hell!”

He had a great opening, he made a fantastic, smooth transition, but he just couldn’t stick the landing.

Margraves: “Your Honor, can you grant me 5 minutes alone in a locked room with this...demon?” 

All you need to know about purity rings you can learn from serial adulterer and all around sin-sational guy Donald Trump, and his comically high approval rating with the morally “superior” Talibangelicals.

It’s understandable how some straight people, especially creatives, can identify with queer culture. I’ve been attracted to since I was a kid. But I know it’s not mine. Other than dabbling in androgynous fashion, I am a straight person. Most of my friends are queer. My husband is queer. I don’t understand why it’s so

“The majority of women in the workplace are not tender creatures and are largely adept at dealing with all varieties of uncomfortable or hostile situations,” Roiphe wrote in the New York Timesin 2011. “Show me a smart, competent young professional woman who is utterly derailed by a verbal unwanted sexual advance or

My sweet dog is DEFINITELY not trying to kill me!


The most dangerous person we know is typically the person we’ve chosen to share our bed with.

That’s a rough 32.


Exactly!! You have no idea who is submitting those tips to those sites.

This is another example of why some people’s recent attempts to say, “See, casting couch/ blind gossip rumors about famous women’s sex lives are ALWAYS the plain truth and never part of a smear campaign. No famous woman denying these things should ever be believed, and our spreading it around publicly is totes fine”

Yeah but let’s be honest many of us “progressives” or whatever term you want to use have always been happiest when fighting each over other hierarchy/ranking or ideological purity than actually fighting the conservatives.

Two female MPR hosts, the one who interviewed Franken (Cathy Wurzer) and the one who hosted the call-in show to discuss listeners’ reactions (Keri Miller) have been deluged with nasty, misogynistic responses, from both men and women, simply because they asked questions, because they treated these accusations with