I think that is the first time anyone in the History of Overwatch has seen Zenyatta using his legs.
I think that is the first time anyone in the History of Overwatch has seen Zenyatta using his legs.
I literally sat at the first GIF for about 4 minutes not realising it was on loop.
Did anyone else experience Battle.net being Offline for a little bit yesterday (for me yesterday) then when in game it was laggy?
I’m in Australia. Confirmed not available here too.
Maybe it was a game where the dog dies...everyone cries when a dog dies :’(
That music was soothing
“Heheh cmoonnn.....DO IT!!” (1:36)
True, the only good Hanzo I’ve seen so far is the play in this highlight reel.
New Animus be like
Yeah true. It had a split second part with him unplugged using a bow. It’d kinda feel like a rollercoaster getting thrown around by an arm moving uncontrollably :P
Thankyou. I’m guessing that arm thing is their new kind of animus. When the plugged it in it imitated the moves of his ancestor so maybe its an easier way to get a bleeding effect.
Can someone inform me on the placement in the AC series this takes? It looks like after Desmond. Did they specify? And I was thinking Chris Hemsworth wouldn’t make a bad Edward Kenway.
Explains his missing arm
I wonder how Bethesda feel about this, I remember when it was only a month since release of Fallout 4 and fans were crazing for Obsidian to make another one.
Don’t forget about them poor souls superman killed whilst flying through those buildings like a “hero”
Diaammonnd Cityyy radio! Right here in diamond city. The jewel green UGH! I - I mean the GREEN JEWEL *huh* of the commonwealth!
Videogames in Australia shouldn’t fucking cost $100
They must have magic bows that shoot explosive, ICE AGE RPGS