We cook em. Good bush tucker!
We cook em. Good bush tucker!
Noo...this can’t be it :’(...(knowing Kojima He’ll surprise us outta nowhere :D...hopefully)
mmmm I fucking love Quiet!...can...can we get married in-game?
I watch Conan play videogames, is he calling him out too?
Was I really that anxious about the eyes I got a jump scare at 2:25
wow...child hood ruined... :’(
Much better than EB hands down
Where was all of this 1 year ago, oh yeah forgot it was a beta
1:50...Oh thank the laawwddd no jumpscare
I’m pretty sure Buzz was just falling with style.
Bungie in a Nutshell: Nerfs somethings, complete shit, unuseable. Buffs something, too OP, gets a nerf. Shit weapon gets a buff. Repeat.
I honestly hope they are just PvP nerfs, if they effect PvE again then fuck. And I only just started again a few days ago after a 4 months break from Destiny.
How is that copyright? Great Traffic Adventure V....
I pirate only for DEMO purposes to see if they run well, I like the game etc then eventually buy it if its good.