
If you look up the word "charming" in the dictionary, you will probably not find Ni no Kuni. I don't know why you thought a niche role-playing game would be mentioned in a dictionary. But Ni no Kuni is an excellent game nonetheless—a gorgeous, funny adventure that's essentially an explorable Miyazaki film. (Read my

''It was of its time'' is certainly relevent to FFVII. For one, you are on the side of the terrorists, and despite their noble intent, are responsible for some pretty horrendous crimes (Jesse even alludes to the fact you killed a lot of innocent people when you blow up the reactor). I honestly think a properly

I have enjoyed all the Tales of games i've played, aside from not being able to get into Symphonia 2. I don't recall how far in I got, but Lloyd seemingly being a villain hasn't been explained and so still feels like a character assassination. I think there's been some vague hint that ''all is not as it seems'' but

I actually really enjoyed the pacing. I'm used to jrpgs throwing you into a ridiculous plot with little information, so the restrained intro to Trails in the Sky was not only refreshing - but also very welcome. I could explore it not unlike I would a western RPG, taking in as much of the story as I wanted.

Part of me still wants a GTA game to conclude Donald Love's story. I want to see that guy again and find out just what he's ben doing since he disappeared from Liberty City. Of course the fact that there seem to be very faint ties between GTA and its 'spin offs' and GTA IV/V, I can't see it happening.

To be fair, the game does explain why Kreia is like that. She'd disagree with your choice for the sole purpose of disagreeing and making you doubt the decision. She's manipulative to a - very deliberate - fault. I didn't like her the first time I completed the game, but as I played through subsequent times, I

Alas owning only a PS3 after my 360 died about 5 years ago, I missed out on Vesperia, so haven't had the fortune of playing it. I agree he was an effective break from the relative normalcy of the group, which is why I specified I didn't like him as a character (I probably could have said ''as a person'', but that

All I can think to say on hearing this is Ben Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms.

Ivar is a very special case. I didn't particularly like him as a character, what ith his quite absurd declaration about Jude being a phony, and some of his dialogue felt like it was trying too hard for a joke (several lines of his referring to how manly he is as a 'handmaid'). I'm not entirely sure they even knew what

I can sympathise with pretty much every experience you mention. If I have to leave the house, I usually start getting anxious before I even open the door. Once I'm outside, I have to get where I'm going as fast as I can, so that before long, if the panic gets too much, I'm closer to where I'm heading than where I was,

I felt that with Leia, it was more that she had a rather low self-esteem, and on at least one occasion suggests she wants to emulate Milla. I think there was too much awe getting in Leia's way, and lack of feeling she could make Jude happy. She's never really shown to mess up on a global scale, like how Rinoa

Honestly the combat system is better than Graces f. For a start, Graces CC require you to be very good with timing - to such a degree that if something goes pear-shaped (or you're not playing at your best) battles can becoming drawn-out and a chore to plough through.
Though Xillia uses the similar AC, it refreshes

Jude is definitely a great improvement over so many other protagonists. He frequently makes an educated guess with regards to what the enemy is planning, and rarely does anything stupid. When he does, it's usually a reasonable error. Though in truth, this is true of most of the cast. There is a refreshing lack of dumb

Until Tomb Raider's 'TressFX' become standard (I'm sure it already existed before the game, but it's the only one I own that has it). One day, we'll have our lovely flowy things, and even disparate thicknesses to materials, rather than being skins or paper-thin veneers in all games.

My suspicion is that he sounds different because DiMaggio makes the voice sound strained, as if Jake hasn't had anything to drink, hasn't slept, etc. If he sounded as energetic as normal, when he's shackled to a wall, it'd have been more peculiar. If you've ever listened to your own voice from when you've just woken

Well, I never even used it for them, just in case something went wrong and the vehicle was damaged. Plus, I tried bowling only once or twice because I found it rather boring. I went on a few dates until it's revealed the first girlfriend is using you. After that, I kinda just stopped. A pretend girlfriend in a pretend

I liked parts of the second game, especially the atmosphere when dealing with the Qunari, though I kept hoping I'd be able to side with them/help in some way. Instead we got a boss fight that wasn't satisfactory, and felt like an unfair lack of choice.

That's a huge relief to know. It should mean we get to have a real favourite we can keep using. Hopefully we'll be somehow able to access it from more than one location, as otherwise it won't be that dissimilar to the showroom in Vice City, which was at least a partial success, I suppose.

You could do that in GTA III as well (by getting out one vehicle to keep the door open, and bringing another, then parking the one that was keeping it from closing inside), but in all three PS2 games, I had a garage lose its content even if I wasn't exploiting them. In GTA IV, I ended up never using the cars/bikes I