
Excluding any hype and such, I think it's more to do with the style of humour. DNF is very base in its approach, whereas Blood Dragon is basically an 80's film made into a game as if the technology of today existed then (or something). It's absurd and isn't likely to offend anyone. This instantly makes it 'better' to

I kinda think it's a huge shame how little we see of Michael Beihn in films. I also grew up with The Terminator, Aliens, and The Abyss (damn that James Cameron!), and always thought the guy was pretty good-looking, and had a lot of screen presence, yet after these, he just kinda disappeared. I know of 'Time Bomb', a

Aren't all white people awkward with frizzy hair? I'm white, and I don't have frizzy hair, but surely I'm the exception, right? Right?

It should be essential viewing for anyone, full stop. I adored that show so much growing up, and remembering it and so many other early Nickelodeon shows is a terrible reminder of what that channel's become. I'm unashamed of being 30 and still loving Cartoon network, even if only because of Regular Show and Adventure

The '90s to me felt the same. I think it was the start of a greater period of creative TV as well, thanks to the fact that a lot of the creators of children's shows were young enough to have seemingly hated the crap from the '80s, but loved the best of the Golden Age.
We definitely saw a return to almost Tex Avery

I think some of it started with Miami Vice and other such shows that started to add 'glamour' to TV. Personally I remember the 80's as very bleak, and for some reason, my only recollection of it not raining is when I got sunburn. Some of that may be that I was born in '82, but I remember enough of the decade, mostly

Does American TV have any arts and crafts shows aimed at children where all manner of things are made from items you'll find in your kitchen, such as Doll houses made from cereal boxes and Tracy Island out of paper mache and toilet rolls? I ask because this production brings to mind that image of recycling. In this

Hehe, yeah, the DLC was pretty much worthless, and such a shame because it could have been so much more. It felt like a lazy episode of something like Criminal Minds, and the idea that she just stumbles upon a different serial killer was absurd. From what I could tell, their M.O's were different enough that she should

Why does some of the motion capture work in this look worse than in Heavy Rain? I can imagine that perhaps it's tricky to fit a child with a Mo-Cap suit, but still, the movements were so stiff. It's really jarring, especially when I think of their earlier game. I'm sure I'll look back and see the children in that were

Whaddaya talkin' about? Heavy Rain had fantastic DLC. An ENTIRE, short Chapter that promised to be the first of many, only to turn out to be abandoned. It was free, too. But I'd have gladly paid £20 for it, no doubt.

This is so painfully true. I loved the game on the first playthrough just because of the atmosphere (the actual dialogue was really mixed, but meh). Then after I reached the twist, I just thought ''hang on, this makes -zero- sense.'' One other bit you don't mention though is just prior to the reveal, when the woman

Thinking about the Steiner and Beatrix relationship brings wonderful tears to my eyes. The payoff for that slow burn was incredible, and the final scene of them together in the FMV just summed it up perfectly.

I see a lot of people saying they'll wait for a sale. In the UK, this is on the PSN to pre-order for £30, which is half the price of a new release on there. Considering we usually pay -more- over here, I'm sure you'll get it for close to $30-35 on release. How cheap do you guys and gals want it? :)

It is going to be on PSN - at least in the UK it's already available to pre-order, as a budget price, too (£30 compared to the £50-60 for most new releases). The Pre-order comes with a few extras, as well.

I agree about the sax. It reminds me of why it's such a good instrument when used well (though the amount of Miles Davis I listen to helps).

I don't think he was making a gay joke at all, personally. I mean he's the one drawing these guys as well as the women, so if he thought you must be gay for not liking the girls, and so provided an example of art that was a bunch of semi-naked guys, then it would imply that he must be gay for drawing them. I think, as

I did as well :D I was half expecting some strange rhyme like:

Am I the only person who thinks naming a console with the code name Pluto is almost prophetic, given the planets demotion or if you want to keep the Pluto happy: ''A great new job opportunity as though you're not longer a Planet, we're naming all these little rocks after you, like groupies, or a backing band. It's a

The nastiest footage of orcas I saw was on Blue Planet and a whale just giving birth and training its young to swim for itself being hounded by orcas. Eventually, the young whale died of exhaustion, and the Killer Whales ate only the lower jaw and tongue, then sodded off. As far as I'm concerned, they're the humans of

Bravely Default: Larks Tongues in Aspic: 2 Minutes to Midnight: Revolution #9 - Origin of Symmetry: Dreams of Madness 387/3-8: Disraeli Gears: Station To Station: Ne Me Quitte Pas: International: US Release: Sigma. Second Verse (Same As The First)