
I’m thinking of starting Schrodinger’s Company of Autonomous Technology...

Just because you sound paranoid, doesn’t mean you’re wrong.

Yeah, I’m not clicking through...

Like the Toyota salesperson back in 2016 who tried to argue that the FR-S I was looking at didn’t have a Subaru engine and that car in fact wasn’t manufactured in their plant and not Toyota’s.

This disappoints me almost as learning that Lexus Nexus is actually LexisNexis, a legal resource website, and not an owner’s forum.

I honestly don’t understand the hate and vitriol towards this show. Where else in popular media do you actually see any attempt to elevate science and scientists? Do you think you’re going to see a bunch of Nobel Laureates show up for cameos on The Real Housewives of Wherever or during an episode of CW’s latest

When LeNeve talks about the small car customers he believes will buy an SUV when it’s time to replace their aging hatches/sedans, he’s got to be thinking only of die-hards who refuse to buy anything else.

I can’t help thinking that if BMW had kept the armrest and perhaps ditched some of the other “executive” add-ons, your opinion of the CS would be better?

And CPO’d

I mean...the British flooded a country with a highly addictive narcotic then fought a war in order to keep supply flowing, so this is hardly surprising.

Does that $90k include all the meth that guy must’ve snorted to make such a finely detailed model (and to not give two shits about spending $90k to make a tiny scale model of an escort out of precious metals and gemstones)?

Great story Elizabeth! Along with a slight lump in my throat, it also left me with a strong feeling of “and then what happened?”

I’m truly shocked at the lack of suggestions for TDI SportWagons.

Look Schatzie! Lebensraum!

Now playing

It’s claimed that the car carries original mats on the floor, but it’s a puzzle why a beige interior would rock what look to be grey inserts.

World’s fastest snowplow?

Sounds like a problem with the master/slav cylinder.

Under the hood was a 2.4-liter four-cylinder motor that was produced as part of a joint venture between DaimlerChrysler, Mitsubishi, and Hyundai.