
The decision to plead not guilty was a disastrous move for her. If she loses, she faces way more prison time than had she plead out. If she wins, she’ll become a poster child for a corrupt justice system and draw ire and scorn for multiple quarters. Either way her career is over.

Until this happens (also in Dallas)

That parking structure has been there for years, and the rain hasn’t been particularly heavy...however, there’s been a ton of new construction going on at the airport, so I suspect has something to do with changes to the direction water is draining and/or clogged drainage as a result of soil runoff.

<Meme/> Why not both? </Meme>

#TheDeuce, where # = pound

Neither rain nor sleet nor excessive amounts of rust...

Heidi and Tim are developing a new show for Amazon Studios.

Tim Gunn already strikes me as the kind of person who already doesn’t tolerate a lot of clutter in his life...no one who lives under piles of clutter can wear a suit that impeccably.

This is very true. 

My wife thinks the Clarity is kinda cool and pretty...but she also loves her 2008 Saturn Vue.

I was just doing some reading on the topic as well that confirms what you say. On top of that the mining operations themselves have some ethical challenges to overcome. That doesn't mean we shouldn't try, it just adds layers of complexity to the situation. 

Sure, but the supply of raw materials is finite and as is the number of times you can recycle them. Besides, my point isn’t to favor one technology over the other. The implication is that cars are an incredibly impractical and inefficient means of moving people.


So wait...it’s been recalled for rolling away, or it’s rolling away because it’s been recalled?

I will definitely watch this...when it comes on HBO.

In all seriousness, why does anyone think that resource scarcity is going to be any less with the materials needed to build batteries than it is with petroleum.

Are you a math teacher? My wife is a math teacher, and she’s always saying things like this.

Ram 700, based on what I googled to find this picture.

Saw one of these on the road in Dallas yesterday...

I did notice it seemed on the rumbly side, but I wasn’t driving...a colleague in town for some meetings picked me up for lunch. He told me the rental company had put him in a minivan, but he declined it because it was just him. So they gave him the ‘Stang instead. I never have that kind of luck when I rent. Best