
I saw one of these yesterday in the parking lot of the JCC where I work out...ostensibly it was on kid pick-up duty, idling as it was in front of the entrance.

Too good to be true...crack pipe.

That is offensive...and also probably not correct.

My wife is exactly the same...this includes gummy bears as well. It’s bizarre.

Damn. It. To. Hell. My tax refund was going to a deposit on one of these things. If Only I’d filed a week earlier.

I’m sorry, but I can’t make it past the first paragraph without thinking of Kill Bill.

I was fortunate enough to be raised by a fairly progressive father who pretty much taught me to always give the (alleged) victim the benefit of the doubt...so whether it was the Clarence Thomas hearings or the Michael Jackson trial, his attitude was one of, “Men, especially with power, are capable of awful

Well, at least they won’t have a problem with tire kickers...

At least in buying it used, someone else ate the depreciation costs.

No orange, no life!

Yeah, I think I took that class while earning my useless humanities degree.

This comment is literally 1000% straight fire.

CP, obs, but I don’t even understand why you would do that when factory built SRT8's exist...and on this same generation of 300...for like a 3rd of that price.

My money’s on Filipino.

The average Bugatti customer has 42 cars at home...

Any idea what show/movie this comes from?

Totally off-topic, other than it’s a wagon with a subtly raked fanny, but I’m feeling left out considering I have no strong opinions about anything in Tesla’s line up. I do have strong opinions about the Magnum SRT8 though.

I come to bury VW, not to praise him.

Thank you for sharing. The Bloomberg paints a gruesome picture for the employees at parts manufacturers, but with a small blurb indicates those issues don’t extend to the automakers themselves. Autoblog is considerably less thorough, but confirms the wage gap between union and non-union employees; it does make me

Found the monkey