Would it be possible to cite some actual facts/studies that support your thesis non-unionized employees are being actively shafted by non-union automakers and therefore need a union?
Would it be possible to cite some actual facts/studies that support your thesis non-unionized employees are being actively shafted by non-union automakers and therefore need a union?
Good Lord Volkswagen, you couldn’t avoid stepping in it even if you had a map and every turd was marked with a pinwheel.
Who are some of your favorite automotive journalists to read and/or YouTube reviewers to watch?
It’s a conspiracy, nay a warning, perpetrated by the Swiss...In the year 2036, after 150 years spent lulling the world into a false sense of security with its so-called neutrality and funded by its hordes of Nazi gold, the Swiss will reveal the most technologically advanced army the world has ever seen. They will then…
GM is way too conservative to do anything so drastic as to rename the Corvette. Even the idea of a mid-engined car has been on the drawing board for what, like 50 years, right? Zora will probably be the name of the virtual assistant ‘skin’ that will front-end the owners’ On-Star experience.
This is just an observation, and I haven’t listened to this podcast, but what is interesting to me about this whole trend of re-examining the convictions of (primarily male) individuals is that it seems to run counter to the other trend of assuming guilt for anyone (particularly if they are male and famous) when they…
I don’t know about the Cutlass, but my wife has a junior high-school story involving her best friend, a much older boy and a totaled, similarly-aged Lumina belonging to her friend’s father.
But this guy knows what he’s got.
Obviously take the amount on the tip line, but then shame them on Instagram.
Modern as in industrialized nation-state as opposed to agrarian and feudalist.
Modern meaning an industrialized nation-state as opposed to an agrarian, feudal society.
Okay, this law is clearly awful on every level, but I’m baffled by the notion that a racist, classist government would enact a policy that would actually increase the number of poor minorities.
IIRC Mitsubishi is one of the original daimos formed after the Meiji Restoration as part of the effort to rapidly industrialize and compete with the west (rather than be exploited by it as China was)...it’s been a while since I took that East Asian history class in college, so my recollection may be a little off.
Edit: CTS-V Wagon
CTS-V wagon, with manual...this one is $69.5k, FSBO.
I believe the thinking is that during his mortal years, he was separated from God. Depending on how you read it, he had temptations and uncertainty. The Garden of Gethsemane is supposed to be about his own leap of faith in trusting that the whole crazy plan to redeem humanity would work.
The comparison with Netflix is interesting. Packaging products “as-a-service” is the trend across so many industries that it no doubt is impacting the psychology of average consumers. However, buying a car is nothing like that even if people want it to be or think it is. Leasing comes a bit closer, but costs and…
I generally like Kias, too...screw the haters...but also screw this hateful monstrosity of a concept car.
Twenty-one Pilots jokes aside, I just don’t understand the purpose of these screens even knowing this is a concept. They all have noticeable bezels, so there’s no illusion created that they’re single screen. They overlap, so a fair portion of the screens aren’t usable. Not only that, the “dash” they sit upon looks…