Long live the mid-size sedan!
Long live the mid-size sedan!
Ironically, the service that would most likely take the lead is the U.S. Navy.
She’s a beauty alright...thanks for the write-up. I’m pretty skeptical about that engine though based on this and other reviews of Volvos that share that powerplant. Sounds like it’s not good, but it’s good enough?
And I agree if you approach this only as a binary problem - us or them. But that’s not what I’m suggesting. What if by empowering the states in this way “to choose” perhaps opens the doors to them making their own set of rules? Some might go higher than California, while some may go significantly lower than what the…
I think the risk comes from some states adopting the California standard and some states adopting the Administration’s. Cali is the biggest market, so if they only had to engineer these special vehicles for them (they may already do this today), they could still be profitable. But if, say, Rhode Island decides it…
If you’re going to have an aged and broken-down car sitting in your driveway, this is a great candidate. NP.
My car inexplicably slammed on its brakes last week and scared the sweet baby Jesus out of me...I can only guess it’s because I was travelling next to a backed-up exit lane and one of the cars zagged a bit triggering the sensor. Thankfully, no one was behind me. It’s now on my to-do list to figure out how to…
I like it...a lot, actually. But...how does one store the various panels? If this is a city vehicle, then you’ve got to think storage (and obviously living) space is a premium. Folks who live in condos, apartments, etc. may not have a garage, let alone space to store a bunch of modular panels. For this to really work,…
I think it’s “straight fire”, but that just might be to express something that’s more than just “fire”.
I’m with you...yet another completely unaffordable wedge with unusable amounts of power that will never be driven. Whoopee.
I’m with you...yet another completely unaffordable wedge with unusable amounts of power that will never be driven. Whoopee.
The front, I dare say, looks a bit like a Mazda CX-5.
Snatcher vans just got quiet...sounds like a plot point in Liam Neeson’s next film.
I mean, this car-like thing is ugly AF, but thank you for posting something other than news about another boring super/hyper car/crossover. Oh look, another wedge-shaped hunk of fiberglass that’s completely unattainable - snooze! Now this is a car in my price range to which I can legitimately turn my nose up.
A Joss Whedon interview from 2001 posted on the preview ribbon for AV Club...topical.
The 80s called; they said keep the car, but if we have some spare cocaine and baking soda please send it their way.
Don’t know or don’t care? Because they’ve got someone, anyone in office who give lip service to their reactionary views. Never underestimate a conservative’s ability to twist the truth into whatever form necessary to further their backasswards agenda.
It cracks me up that you think any of these idiots will spend a single day in prison...maybe they can be cellmates with all the thieving bankers who precipitated the 2008 crash. Oh, wait...
So the Model Y is a CUV? This is unclear to me, and I’m not an avid follower of the brand so it’s probably stated elsewhere.