
Have Matchbox design and build the internal bits of cars, but put a Hot Wheels skin on it, and insist that it’s really very and totally different than a Matchbox.

That is hilarious...you sound like a character from a Richard Linklater film.

Did they pay you for your services?

Wall Street has influence and all, but the real threat posed by nominating a “Progressive” in 2020 comes in alienating the actual centrists who still live in the shadow of the Cold War (socialism = Stalinism = Satanism). This isn’t just the older boomers, but the younger boomers (born mid-50s to mid-60s) and the GenX

Maybe it’s just because I’m male, but nil admirari. 

Peanut butter and plum jam isn’t bad either.

If making cars doesn’t work out, Chevy can market that sheet-removal technology to 13-yo boys.

That’s a good one.

If you’re close enough to read this, let me tell you about Jesus.

I got no problem with it, as long as they stay the f—- out of the far left lane of the highway.

Hey, Siri. Get me to the church! I’m running late. 
Playing “Get Me to the Church on Time” by Frederick Loewe.

How do you know that it’s just the timing belt? Because otherwise, it seems like a steal.

I think it’s the same loyalty Cadillac is banking on.

The Ford Fallacy(TM)

First Gear: Killing all sedans was too much; alliance with VW was too little. Hackett’s approach seems erratic, not thoughtful.

I had the exact same thought.

Well, right...I have one kid in his 20s who is self-sufficient. I have zero need for a car this size, so I’d never buy one. As it is, my wife’s next car will probably still bigger than we need because the current crop of sub-compact (and even some of the compact) CUVs don’t meet her ride height requirements. And

The Aviator makes me want to have more kids just so I have a legitimate excuse to buy it..

I once dragged a couple of friends (including the groom) on stage and tried to Karaoke this song at a wedding. I was...not sober. And my sister-in-law has it on video.