
I think there might have been something in the book about how magic interferes with electricity, but there's a whole realm of steampunk and more antiquated technologies that could have been adapted for wizards. And they can use cars and radios, so obviously something is up.

I actually had the same concern about Harry Potter. Muggles were treated- even by wizards defending them- as some sort of primitive species.

I love this comment

The only parts that could even- in the most ludicrously twisted, perverse and weird minds- fit this description is when Ender is walking through the Salamander barracks for the first time, or the when he first meets Rose the Nose in Rat army. Both of these combine make up less than a standard page, and the word

Cage is playing the thief. Because he is Nicolas Cage.

In what way are any of these like Atlas Shrugged?

"If you prick us,do we not bleed?"

This is a good point as well; equating liberalism with socialism is just stupid. I don't think anyone disagrees that while capitalism sucks, it's the best that we've got, and we just need to find the balance in it.

I was toying with a story like that a few years ago, where humanity's contempt for itself leads to species-wide suicide. Depressing as hell.

This is something I often wonder; if the harm done by humans is unnatural, isn't any good we do just as unnatural, and disrupting the delicate balance of the ecosystem?

Wow, I'm glad you mentioned all that. I'll have to wait for a full Lifehacker or Gizmodo review, but this is one of the times I'm glad I commented in error.

Looks okay with a keyboard, but not enough to justify the upgrade from Win7, but it's still in development, I'm optimistic.

I fucking called it

American Gods and Odd Thomas? It's gonna be a good day.

Wait wait, there were other experiments that corroborated the results, weren't there? And didn't the same data about neutrinos have to travel the same cable as that about photons?

Be poor. After a rash of break-ins in our neighborhood, our house was broken into. They trashed everything, looked everywhere, but they took nothing.

If this means my science fiction glasses are cheaper and come this year, then that will be fine with me

I grew up in a house where McDonald's was a treat, so I don't have the same aversion to it that a lot of foodies do.

In all fairness, that was literally HIS universe

I loved M*A*S*H