
I'm not saying copying is a bad thing, I just think that they learned some of the wrong lessons from Chrome. Everyone liked Firefox because of openness and security and stability. With this haphazard approach to development, I think they're bound to lose some of it. If they're going to copy, they should be sure to

Okay, I have to ask: Sandman Slim vs John Taylor (Simon R. Green's Nightside series) , who wins?

It's not that surprising, Firefox has been copying Chrome since the 4.0 Beta.

Just an update: I've used it, and it's awesome!! It's very pretty, it's very clean, it's so interesting!

On the one hand, it sounds awesome. On the other, it sounds... busy, sort of like a Web 2.0 (3.0? 2.5? What are we on now?) version of Myspace. I'll give it a shot, but I'm expecting it to get old after a while.

If Supernatural is taking some sort of Lovecraftian approach to big bads- after all, where else can they go after dealing with the new God - all I can say is hell-freaking-yes. I almost wish they had skipped the awkwardly written "Eve" saga and jumped straight to something from outside. With heaven and hell in

I can't help but think this would be a REALLY good way for theaters to make money. Which I don't mind at all, because as I've heard it Hollywood gouges theaters for everything they're worth, and between that, the prices they have to demand because of it, and this computer-age thing, theaters are going out of business.

I have to say that President Torrent remains one of my favorite fictional leaders, even though he seems heartless at times. The character is written as very pragmatic, something that I think gets lost in the modern world, because rabble-rousing and idealism are more exciting.

This is why I struggled for a long time to enjoy Card's books. He's so forward thinking in so many ways, but his rampant homophobia just made me feel a bit guilty about supporting him, even by just purchasing his books.

I'm considering buying an Aeropress coffee maker, since it seems remarkably cheap for the quality of coffee reviewers say it produces. Does anyone have any tips, such as what types of coffee are best for Aeropress, whether cleaning it is a hassle, or any special care I have to take of it? Also, I've heard things (from

I'm looking for a project idea, just as a hobby. I'd particularly like something cool that I can do (or learn how to do) in CSS/Javascript/HTML/PHP

VOTE: Catch (formerly Three Banana)

As a freshman, this post is really interesting, and I'm wondering if readers can help me out with a problem.

The crossover-iest of crossovers that I've come across is Simon R Green's novels. Not only does his Nightside series sample from pretty much every story you care to name (from Shakespeare to Doctor Who to Casablanca) his other novels dip into each other so much you could lose your mind trying to keep track of it all.


Posts containing the phrase 'dark matter' are starting to make me upset, through no fault of the writers. Mostly I'm angry at physics.

Ads are an important part of the web; quality free products depend on them.

@mrice5 Not really, I'm a solipsist

Well thank ye kindly, I think I will give it a shot

Oh Michigan... *facepalm* I'm sorry world, for what my state comes up with. if you want to kick us out, we'll understand.