
@klyph: Font Specialist Longooglite reporting, sir! We have received reports of Papyrus activity in the area and are taking steps to isolate them from their Comic Sans reenforcements as we speak. We've secured almost every restaurant website from 1996.

Something that's always helped me when learning to program something is to first work out the logic, then see what tools are available, then start writing code.

But.... I'm a quintessential Leo!!

I have been kicking myself for signing up for AT&T, but my contract is up for either renewal or cancellation in March... but now the Atrix comes along....

The birds are using friggin' quantum mechanics and I burned scrambled eggs this morning....

@FiveLiters: forget everything else. Phone beauty pageants, this is the next big thing. Remember me, when you're a billionaire

Commenters think they're in charge of articles again, ruh-roh.

Bracelet doesn't make you stronger = scam

I'm in high school and already half of these bring back bittersweet memories.

The only problems I have with gift cards are these A) a totally inappropriate store ("Why thank you Grandma, I don't shop at Victoria's Secret enough, you're right") or B) It's inconvenient ("Well, the nearest Home Depot is three cities away, but sure I'll use it.")

@OMG_cartman: "all men are born with certain inalienable rights" He does have the right to free speech, he just isn't within America's jurisdiction

All the lie-related posts on Lifehacker make me feel like a very good liar, I've been circumventing and misusing these points for years.

@invictus13: Hi, welcome to the internet,the tourism office is that way, please don't feed the trolls. Twitter is a microblogging/social networking platform. You either hate it or love it.

I like Twitter because I can say what I need to say and hear what I need to hear without diving into a subculture that I think is the bane of places like Facebook and Foursquare.

Good post. I see a lot of people pitting IE9 and Firefox 4 against Chrome 8 or even 7, this is the first post I've seen that's bleeding edge versus bleeding edge

This certainly is inspirational... but as a high schooler, I'd like to see some steps I can take right now to avoid a soul-crushing job. I have a job that pays me well, and will last me through college, but it's definitely what I want when the majority of my day is spent at work.

Maybe, give me a cloud based equivalent to Notepad++ and a decent audiobook platform, I'm yours.

Google is brilliant. This is the app store for the web. Soon, people will be developing specific applications for this platform because its so easy to find them and for how they can interact with more than just a browser.

@relyk5: I think this is a laudable goal for now, because even today I found some apps that I didn't know existed. However, I think now developers will start working to use the additional privileges that "installable" apps have.