
@pfc.joker: There is no possible way he was catcher that day. I hope that's not offensive, just sayin' the dude was obviously feeling dominant.

People talk about Wave and Buzz and Orkut burning, and while this is true, every other successful Google product (Gmail, Maps, Image Search, Chrome, Apps, Android) were experiments or betas for a long time. Google throws its product spaghetti at the wall, and what sticks, sticks. I have a feeling Voice is sticking

@yereviltwin2: Gay < perverted, prepare to get shouted down, and expect no sympathy.

Just be glad it's not like it's Apple and AT&T doing this.....

@acountddd: Then you go to Shutter Island

@pricklyplatypus: The second use that came to mind were bouncy shields for when Apple's market share plummets, they hope it will bounce.

@Too.Tired.To.Sleep: I'll make a note, as I'm pretty sure the "if" went away a while ago...

@out0mind: Could've sworn it was Omaha.

Numbers 10 and 14 will haunt me until death, and if I go to Hell, for an eternity afterwards.

@Occula: Thank you for bringing highfalutin' into my day.

If I want green I'll move to our orbiting rain forests, thank you.

@GirlLibrarian: Wait, you mean Avatar has something to do with white people being evil and merciless and anti environment? IT WAS SO SUBTLE I HAD NO IDEA!

Can we please just put them into more all encompassing groups? Long necks, tri-horns, aromored, weird-duck-heads, and gonna-bite-your-ass-off? Honestly, that covers all we need to know if they come back to life.

@billysan: I'm not going to deny it, a part of me hates you for that.

@billysan: Should *have* been..... I don't know why I need to do that.

Why aren't there advertising pages in books, like TV commercials? Sure, they'd be disruptive and I'd hate them, but it seems like it's a natural way to make money.

The only reason I know about this is an orgasmic description in the book "I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell" and ever since I read it, I've wanted one, but my state is not worthy of such confectionery delights. Thank you from the entire Michigan.

The triceratops is a lie!!