Trump vs. Putin sounds like a fart battle.
“What’s up, boss?“
Not so sure we’d want to go all the way to UK-style unionism, if you mean the kind of environment I experienced working in a shipyard in the UK. Safety and productivity is better if unions and management actually work together to solve problems, rather than sit in separate trenches and loudly express their white-hot…
“Theft” of labor? A maximalist counter-argument to that would be to say that the U.S.A. was a democracy; the voters elected a government to pursued the war with an adult intent to win it, necessity of which being an army of sixteen million men and women, most of them draftees, rationing for the non-combatants, and 50%…
For years, all the aviation world knew about Boeing’s secret stealth project from the 1960s was limited to a name…
I’m surprised they fired a missile while being that close to shore.
No, the Kurds are Kurds fighting ISIS. The majority of the Kurdish people are Sunni Muslims, of the Shafi School. There are also minority Zoroastrians, Yazdis, and Ahl-i Haqqs ( Yarsans) Christian Kurds are an even smaller minority, and even then most of those are recent converts.
And no, Arab Spring was a wave of…
Okay, I read most of it. I was on a Trident sub years ago and I can tell you this guy is mostly full of shit.
Khalid.exe has encountered an error and must be shut down.
I've said it before and I'll say it again; in the original Avengers I was willing to accept a genetically enhanced super soldier, a Norse thunder god, a scientist who turns into a giant green rage monster, a benevolent billionaire who built a super suit, and a flying aircraft carrier but I called B.S. when they had a…
yes, its pretty much SOP at this point for A-10’s to pack a pair of Sidewinders as a “just in case” measure. they are the only AA missile dumb enough for the Hog to carry and use effectively. and i say that in an endearing sort of way, not as an insult.