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Relevent (well, from the five minute mark anyway)

“I would have liked to see Montana... Alabama... Anywhere really...”

Seems to be a fairly standard ex-Soviet trick. There’s lots of video of similar with choppers or even fighter aircraft.

Odd camo scheme for a F-16. Aggressor squadron?

Ooo.. Bad guys too :)

Schweitzer colour scheme!

That’s a whole lotta mean-looking planes. :)

Pretty sure it was the will of Allah that some idiots breathed their last that day.

Oh, man. That was just dumb.

If I could get a clean screenshot of Sam the American Eagle dancing with two glowsticks and a lampshade on his head, that would so be my new profile pic.

Firing an AK... somewhat ironic.

Never heard of the massacre so I went to Wikipedia to read up a little on it.

And bullet holes...

But largely that that was to distract Beria who was overseeing the operation (and threatened pretty much everyone with nasty nasty death) from noticing that they’d used different gauge steel (or maybe aluminium, anyways, metric rather than imperial measurements) pretty much everywhere and completely

“Obama is a closet Islamist Shite”

Welcome to the quagmire.

Hearts and minds.

Straight line? Is that a fault line or did someone build a wall or something?