
I’m kinda curious as to the little puff of white smoke after the round fires. I take it that it forms the same function as swabbing out the barrell but is it positive pressure in the turret that blows debris put when they open the breech or a blast of CO2 to estinguish embers or is it something else?

Tanks. Russian solution to just about everything isn’t it?

Chlamydia doesn’t spread itself....

To be fair, if you manage to get that close to a platypus, you probably mean to do it harm so it’s pretty justified in sticking its spurs in you.

I remember going down to the beach (to the Beercan Regatta - just google it) as a cub scout when I was about ten.

We had this whole safety briefing thing and were warned “Okay, if you see a cute little octopus, don’t go near it - it could be a blue-ring. Don’t go in the water without protection ‘cos although it’s not

Oh, that is truly evil :)

Look up and live...


More often for storage, at least for Australian Aboriginals. You still would have to get the trunk to the water and, frankly, there are a lot more convenient options around. They also tend to grow away from standing water.

I knew of and hated Turkish Delight before I read Lion, the Witch and Wardrobe and I just could not get my head around why the kid would sell out his family for it.

Boabs... Upside-down trees... Bottle trees... Native to Madagascar and Northern Australia. They’re a fairly important bush food as they’re a decent source of water and you can eat the seeds (though I can’t remember what they taste like or if you need to prepare them beforehand).

Only if it stars The Amazing Screw-On Head!!

Penny Dreadful. Pretty good.

^ Am I the only person still waiting for Dorian Gray to have some kind of point in that show?

This world is ending and, for selfish and shortsighted reasons, no-one is doing anything about it...

Was the A-10 ever offered for sale to other countries?

That... Sounds as though it’s a story I would want to hear.