
Everyone lay off Mark! It's common knowledge that men are terrible at math (and science).

We hired extra security because my Mr. Anya's brother threatened to storm the wedding and shoot me cause I slapped his wife the day before for calling my sister a slut. My sister slept with her husband (Mr. Anya's brother). In retrospect, yeah... that was pretty slutty of my sis.

You know what, though? That's an ideal sub right there. Subs who want to be financially dominated, please come see LadyCoffeeSoul. Thank you.

I wish I even had the *option* of being financially dominated. That's like, the most first world kink, right?

When I was suddenly given a cancer diagnosis, we were stunned. But, I later found out from my mother that he called and told her that she didn't need to worry. He was not ever leaving me and that he would take care of her only child no matter what.

yes, well I have some trans masculine friends who really despise their piercing scars as signs of growing up as a girl. It might not bother you, but it could be deeply bothersome to someone else

Yes... because planning a wedding means you should plan for fucking terrorist attacks.

At one wedding reception I was seated at a table with the very drunk ex-boyfriend of the bride (why he was invited is anyone's guess) and his very beautiful date. There was some speculation about their relationship ("So, how did you guys meet?" Stony silence.) Suspicions confirmed when something started beeping and

I went to a wedding where the best man went on at some length about how he didn't think Groom and Bride would last after she had cheated, but he was glad they worked it out ... eventually.

A distant cousin told me that at her daughter's wedding, the groom's parents refused to accept a rose during the mass because they "didn't approve" of their son marrying this woman. They later gave a toast to the bride and groom's future divorce and eventually had to be escorted out of the building by police.

Funny, that's exactly how I read it, too.

My father-in-law referenced 9/11 during his toast.

Didn't have that, but my aunt tried repeatedly to take my dj upstairs. In front of her family.

What in the world made your DJ think he could bring a date? Who brings a date to work?

"It's all complete, complete bullshit. It's just outright sad," he tells Jezebel. "I've been at this company for a long time. I've seen everyone my bros being taken care of so, so well. Like no other company I've ever worked at. On the day you start in the US, you get fully paid vacation. It's so flexible. You can

Well obviously not, as it didn't ping the radar of people in Hull.

I was about to say, that's been around for ages!

I don't think they were serving them in Ireland while actual car bombs were going off on a regular basis, though.

I think it is good they took it down and apologized, but it should be OK now. After all, I'm still waiting for the people outside of Germany using SS as an abbreviation to apologize for thoughtless use of letters... And I'm sure there are a few other countries that could think of something to get upset about.

I mean, it's still funny as is, but I can't help wishing it had happened in one of the more clueless parts of the States...