
No, unless there are overriding circumstances. That’s my point.

Absolutely. But there’s a difference between reporting something in court, and having that information be repeated in the press. He’s absolutely beholden to answer questions to the attorney, but I query why his name is now being reproduced on sites like Jezebel. I’m not sure knowing his name adds anything to the story.

He’s a victim of a statuory rape as a minor. Since when did he lose his right to anonymity?

They're going to have two Bachelorette's next season

This made me cry.

I mean, we have POOL PARTIES? How rad is that, bros? Yeah, take care of us really well.

Mergermarket strongly denies the allegations, calling the suit a "transparent ploy" and pointing out that the women went on to found a competing business.

It's not Khindergyrtyn that she's starting?

It's not Khindergyrtyn that she's starting?

Weird to see the Spice Girls try to go classy. As usual, Victoria is the only who can work it.

Which is why she got "tons" of calls and messages from different people?

So, this is a feminist website, and yet plenty of regular Jezebel commenters are mocking a clear case of sexual harrassment, just because it's happened to someone we don't like?

Oh God They Are So Small!

There is nothing about that scenario that could ever be sexy.

Erotic tampon play?! There is erotic tampon play in 50 Shades of Grey?! (Haven't read it - but didn't imagine that!)

are we sure she's not Lyon about the five year old being the one who pulled the trigger?

Oh, less fun. I thought I was going to hear about how it was all a comedy mistake. I'm sorry.

Really? You known the police get called on your friends for being too aggressive in their romantic pursuits? Tell us more!

It wasn't a handkerchief. He gave her an ornate fan. Which she hid in her reticule.

I'm someone who would like to think of myself as being supportive of equal rights for women."