
He sounds adorable. And I love your vision of chasing bunnies together - when the cat gets older, I shall try copying.

I just assumed he was one of those men who's fascinated by whether twins REALLY HAVE IDENTICAL VAGINAS and just had to find out.

I just assumed he was one of those men who's fascinated by whether twins REALLY HAVE IDENTICAL VAGINAS and just had to find out.

Fair point!

Right, but friendship actually leaves a legacy in human society that outlasts a span of 13 years and some grunty wet kisses. Being there for other people's children means that you're actually shaping sentient human beings as they take their place in the world.

That doesn't mean I think dog-loving is some kind of waste

I've always wondered about celebrities arriving at airports - does she then check in publicly at the main bag-drop check-in? Because that's quite a public place to be exposed and forced to stand in line at paparazziville. But you can't send a substitute to check your bags in for you, because of all the

Hmmm. I'm sympathetic to your experience of life throwing a wrench at plans to get married, but would you consider finding a woman to have kittens with? Cos I can hook you up right now if there's wiggle room on that.

Exactly what jumped out at me. And, err, dogs as substitute? It's ok, I don't have children, because I'm pouring my super-feminine nurture-hormones into dogs?


Jackie is, in his words, a "rape-obsessed" liar

Yup. This is why the Bristol Palins of the world get pregnant, and the Chelsea Clintons of the world get PhDs.

It also reads as not "these women are human", but "these women are valuable property, and I don't want anyone 'stealing' them or making them damaged goods before I divvy up the virgins, ransom the rich ones, pimp the poor non-virgins etc...".

"unless of course they were pretty enough to hold a high leveled sailor's eye."

My pleasure. I'm glad to be able contribute something. (Any help to get me out of the grays welcomed!)

More seriously, I think what scares me, is that he must think some women want this. That this, fundamentally, is how he thinks women operate - that we plot our sexual relationships as transactional, and this is the male female deal.

Somewhere, in Texas, there is a basement that needs checking.

For a long time, that was certainly true. It's partly that times have changed.

It's not really about her being a sinful divorceé. Charles is divorced too, and he'll still be King.

giving them a lesson on why the law should be obeyed.

She's no Rothschild. But nice work on the "Eurotrash" epithets while calling out other people for racism.