
You know, I'd like this, but less with the body-shaming, please.

Yes yes yes. Now, I disagree with much of BO's politics, and many of Michelle's statements. But the idea that they are a less than FANTASTIC pair of parental role models on a moral level? As societally engaged, educated, hard workers, who've made something of their lives - and something that isn't even just about them

Really? Who? The Rothschilds are a pretty disparate family - lots of them about - but most of the ones I've heard of are pretty liberal by US standards. Or in other words, European.

This. Does she really think the White House lets them wear whatever they pull off the floor first to a public event? This is their first appearance in front of official cameras in a while (for good reason: their parents have done a great job of protecting their privacy and letting them have a normal teenage life) :

I found the idea of Malia and Sasha giving their father side-eye delicious. But actually, I'm not sure that they actually were as grumpy as we'd all like to think they were. A little awkward (you are standing next to a goddam turkey while also having to act like a Presidential family? For half an hour?) But if you

Darn, you beat me to the Busted Clip.

...he'd never shown any particular fondness for them, once even shouting "No, Kitty! Get away, Kitty!" in alarm at a strange cat that was trying to weasel its way into his lap.

Fair. I can happily say I don't watch The View.

Well, Garth Brooks would have been promoting merchandise, whereas Whoopi Goldberg might actually talk about Ferguson and address the issues we're all thinking about.

I was mainly interested in non-US media.

Out of interest, how small is that pool? I'm interested in how tightly the Palace is controlling coverage.

Could someone please explain what a paean to Hello Kitty is doing on a feminist website? Fun, I get. Relaxation, I get. Hyper-femininity as normative? I don't.

The only place I've ever signed up for a comment account. Because BTL anywhere else is the popped zit leavings of humanity.

Maybe it's just because it's late and I've had a few drinks, but I just snorted at Doomed Eater. Because, for any UK habitueé who's ever been near one, how can this not be INGESTION OF DOOM

Stand your ground laws don't apply to women, stupid! Specially if she's a WOC, I'm sure.

"Oh, the Dallas Cinnamon! Gotcha. The Malibu Cinnamon can still get mugged by her pimp next week, then, if that's cool with you?"

God on Jezebel for actually using the word "rapist" in the headline. I don't understand why everyone keeps calling it "sexual assault", or "man who attempted to assault her". We downplay gender violence with our euphemisms every day.

I'm not sure we should be discussing his identity.

So, to reverse their favourite tax analogy, when you're too old to have an active womb, you'll suddenly start wanting to dictate what others do with theirs?