
There isn't a single high school dance memory I wouldn't trade for a tour of a chocolate factory

You, sir, can Fuck. Right. Off. You do not get to dictate how I feel about overt public displays of affection. If it doesn't bother you, fine. You don't get to invalidate my feelings just because it does bother me.

I sincerely hope this was a publicity stunt of some sort. Otherwise, I find it deeply tacky. I say this as the mother of an 11 year old. I know people have sex. I also consider it none of my business. Please do not make it my business, as I really don't want to know what you do, how, or who with. My daughter

When real life resembles porn, everything is (about to be) going horribly, terribly wrong.

True fact: Chula Vista means "View of strangers humping."

She and I are very different people.

I wish there was a way that I could prominently display this GIF every time my step-mother-in-law tells me how gluten and caffeine are bad and eastern medicine is good.

Rebuttal: as stated already, lactose intolerance prevalence differs based on ethnicity. Using Asians or Africans to dictate the diets of Northern Europeans (who are largely NOT lactose intolerant) ignores the diversity of human evolution and cultural development. Natural selection shaming, Jezebel? Do you know no

All the stars for you!

Well, that seems reasonable on Jenner's part. I think most people with middle class or greater means would think about hiring a lawyer in that situation, whether or not they thought they were at fault.

The "call me back please" is so shitty. It's like, you're harassing someone, no matter how "polite" you think you're being about it. Who the fuck are you to make demands?

Funny, how quickly harassment can become a laughing matter. Oh well, I guess "she deserved it", right?

I know... it actually really bothers me the way people here are ignoring the genocide part of it to focus on the gossip part. Especially given that there is absolutely horrific violence directed towards religious minorities in THE VERY SAME PLACE right now.

i have ten years on malia but i wanna be friends w her. i could be her cool/uncool aunt. or something.

Men disempower women through regular sex all. the. time. Actually it may be worse, because you sort of absolve yourself of acknowledging power roles within sex. BDSM asks you to be more self aware and talk about consent more, not less. It's the people that are manipulators and abusers, not whatever kind of sex they're

Are you...Making glib jokes about the ethnic cleansing of Armenians during the Armenian genocide? I don't think that's what you're doing because that would be an unimaginably horrible thing to say but I'm just checking because it could read that way.

So, Sears is selling degrees in psychology? Sweet!

Oh do only female actors do that?