
I know your name Daisy! Stupid Miss Bunting...

yup if memory serves they're about to fuck & what's-her-face starts hyperventilating cuz she has a tampon in & christian reaches in her pants & pulls it out. i guess it's supposed to be sexy but the way it's portrayed is not sexy at all, just like the rest of the book.

I used to like Rhode Island, too, until it got so popular. Now I'm really into Idaho. You probably haven't heard of it.

I think Spratt actually saw Mary & Tony leaving the hotel in Liverpool. He was there for a wedding.

Does that include the people who caught them in the coat check closet? Um, asking for a friend.

He is xenophobic not racist against Americans. Also most of outrage seems to be about his comments against Americans, i feel like if didn't say any "anti-American" he would more people defending him.

Oh, Ethan, you poor, poor child. This is the high point of siblinghood. Every single fucking thing else is all downhill from here on out. FOREVER.

and that while as a society we "allow kids to be kids" that this same kind of tolerance isn't extended to adults.

I like to think the truly rebellious thing is choosing the name "John" in a family of Maddox, Pax, Zaharah, Vivienne, and Knox. Maybe in time John will learn to conform and at least go for Xavier or Max. Boys names have Xs in the Jolie-Pitt family!

This is the first I've heard at all of this first victim. I suppose it doesn't fit the police narrative that most media outlets were going for. I hope Ms. Thompson can find some comfort during her recovery.

I think when you're called on your privilege, the best response is to listen to the criticism and examine its contents in relation to the critic's view and your own privilege. It's an opportunity for education and discussion. It's an opportunity to improve your understanding since all our failings are, essentially,


Wait, seven in the back and only two in the trunk? This woman needs to learn to better use space. I could fit four middle schoolers in a trunk, easy.

Haha.. kitties are pretty awesome but I've never had as good of a friend as my little buddy was. As he got older and could no longer chase bunnies in the back yard on his own I, yes, picked him up and carried him so we could still chase bunnies. He LOVED it. and I did too.

Your answer is exactly the problem I'm having. I asked an honest, sincere question. Your reaction was to insult me, while giving a thoughtful response. However, another person had a completely different answer and encouraged the question and gave an equally thoughtful response. Two different people, two highly

This is a thought provoking piece of writing, and people are trying to share those thoughts. How are you helping the situation? You're just bringing hostility where none is needed. His point is that real "Goodness" transcends race and you're dismissing his right to speak in a open forum? Is it because he is white

The best part about the comments section here are the well-intentioned folks that just get eviscerated by people looking to be outraged. You don't have to look, outraged people! There is plenty to be angry about; stop taking it out on people who mean well (even if meaning well isn't quite good enough).

Your assumption here is a problem. You assume that the commenter is looking for a prize. They aren't. They are saying they don't need to apologize for sympathy and empathy which is offered without reward to all walks of life. That the automatic assumption (on your part, it would seem) that they are saying these

I thought it was a wonderful piece, but I sincerely doubt that most good white people—or at least the good white people who run in my circles—believe that they "deserve a fucking prize." I think they're expressing empathy.

"Good white people" demonstrate the qualities that all good people demonstrate: kindness, empathy, compassion, thoughtfulness, unconditional love. These are the values I try to instill in my students; that parents try to instill in their children.