
Now I think it's important that she let's everyone know what side she comes down on in the "breast v. bottle" debate in re: nurturing dogs.

I like mothering my bank account. A lot. I buy it socks for Christmas. Super-cute ones with little spruce-coloured £ signs.

Why are we as women obliged to mother anything?

Agreed. Even crazier when you consider there's a rather large contingency of people in this country who believe the South were the good guys and find nothing wrong with the movie. Just look at all the people who fly the rebel flag (not going to write confederate flag since it wasn't the actual confederate flag and

I much prefer this film.

I figured she put Ron and Hermione together because she hated chemistry.

imma let you finish, but that line from the adoptee about his parents, in conjunction with the entire article above by ms. brown, is the best application of shade of all time... ::returns to seat::

Somewhat OTP, but I thought of you this weekend when I heard an NPR story about a black kid who had been adopted by white parents in Oregon in 1972. In speaking of the advice he would give white parents adopting a child of another race, he said: "Your first black friend should not be your kid."

It struck me as

Right? I don't use the word to fellow black people unless I have a specific relationship with them. It's not a word like 'dude' or 'mate.' It's not your word to appropriate. It came up last week at a policy meeting on using racial slurs. (I work for a HUGE media corporation.) Chris Brown's "Loyal" was up for

I think an eyeroll is a more appropriate response than rolling out "cunt"

I've always wondered what it would be like to sext a grammar nazi. I sext to build anticipation for later. Otherwise, i dont care for it. She paints a picture.

I feel bad with these kinds of things because a lot of them just make me hate everyone.

Yeah, that was a bad choice for the picture, there are so many better ones. Like this:

I'm sick of hearing about the hurt manfeels. Nothing pushes me to the radical fringes of Feminism faster than dudes whining about their hurt feelings.

Too fucking right. See also the latest article on Beverly Johnson re Cosby. CNN reports: "She's an absolute knockout, especially for a grandmother!" And therefore, she's being believed/respected on a scale on which Janice Dickinson et al. are not.

'more than 191 people were killed during this period of military rule and 243 more "disappeared." '

What this asshole is saying regarding rape needs to be brought out & burned down as much as possible. Right here in the US, when rape victims come forward, men & women assess their physical attractiveness as part of the decision to believe or disbelieve their allegations. I've read it in the press, & heard this kind

On CNN this morning, some male commenter talking about Johnson (and basically supporting her/other victims) felt the need to say "I dunno, maybe this is sexist, but she is just *stunning.* Especially for a grandmother!"

Lately, I've noticed in the media, that when people of higher standing, or "look or sound more respectable" have come out about their experiences, the media treats them VERY differently, and with much more respect (not that there was that much respect in the first place when it comes to these things) Why is it that we