
While I find the British and other royals entertaining, I am happy that the children of the U.S. have no concept of royalty outside of cartoons. Which is has it should be. They are celebrities with titles at this point. Nothing wrong with that.

Thank you for pointing out that this is BAD theology.

Here's the thing...a lot of this has nothing to do with religion, or very little. There's been some research done on people like this guy, and some of it is telling. People tend to presume that the religion makes these people this way - that is creates the homophobia. However, very often, it's the opposite. This guy

GAAHHHH SO MUCH THIS. Dragging Jesus, who died for the redemption of the world, into this horror show is the exact opposite of any form of Christianity worth the name.

I don't get this at all...suicide is a sin (in Christianity). So instead of his praying for Marjoram to 'repent,' he's asking God to encourage Marjoram to 'sin more.' That doesn't simply demonstrate a lack of empathy and even humanity...that demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of his own religion. How can

That's not crowing. That's NOT what J.M.Barrie meant by crowing!

No mention of the accents? Terrible, just fucking terrible.

shhhhh! No more live telecasts, ever! It is neither theater or TV, and transports you to another world as much as a Taco Bell burrito transports me to Mexico. Give me American Playhouse filmed theatre...please? Why did it have die so long ago? http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_…


I think everyone took "ludes before the show..it was so lethargic!

Gotta be honest, Jez, I'm disappointed that everyone is so quick to give credence to some silly letter issued by a frat. Your friends over at Gawker have at least cast SOME aspersions. I'm disappointed that the response is "WELP! Guess she lied!"

How can you leave off Williams spinning a plate while making a wide-mouthed, dead-eyed grin?

I only watched 5 minutes of this thing, but I don't really feel sorry for her because she was SO excited to do it. Like abnormally excited about the role. It's all she's been talking about. She was on the cover of Allure this month and the interview inside was all Peter Pan this, Peter Pan that, how she feels this

Alison Williams was giving me school for the performing arts frosh while Christopher Walken was giving me "I often leave the house and forget my pants."

I feel sorry for Allison Williams.

It's not even original. The affirmative action bake sale is so last decade.

I simply prefer that my porn make me feel normal-dirty, instead of racist-dirty.

Well, shit. I mean, how do you retort to a sexist bake sale?
PACK IT UP, JEZEBEL: Pointing out Border Patrol Sex pornography glorifies stereotypes and abuse is ridiculous, because some jerk sold muffins that one time.

I love that you don't understand what this actually means.

Ugh, this is so gross. Y'all already know the same big mouths yelling about "illegals taking our jobs" are the same fuckers beating it to this shit.