
"But, really, people STOP BUYING THESE."

A few things.

1. SHOOTING A CHILD OVER THIS IS NOT OKAY. It would be better to stop him, explain that we shouldn't be just carrying this around, and explain to his parents why this could be an issue.

2 observations:
1. That dog looks like an aerobic instructor from the '80s
2. That cat has failed in the #1 cat objective (sometimes #2 or #3, depending on cat and circumstances), which is knocking all those dolphins off the table-preferably around 1:00 AM.

ooo,a full house of cats! i'm jelly.


I wouldn't want to play with Lacey, either. She's a NUT.

Lexi is, "Have some dignity, FFS! And DO NOT SNIFF MY BOOTY, damn! I have claws, I WILL CUT YOU!!!"

Political rhetoric needs to stick to politics and leave the personal attacks out of it.

Three differences:

Yeah, based on just about all the paragraphs above that mention things he's said, I literally thought at first that this piece was actually going to be about why he was breaking up with Allen.

Except the adult Bush daughters were busted for underage drinking (breaking the law) and DUIs and had to do community service. So that person is stating FACTS, one of which being that behavior by the Bush twins was VERY low class, tacky and embarrassing...understandably.

completely agree, they dress absolutely appropriately. Is she thinking they have to wear business suits or evening gowns???

And if they had worn something fancy then she'd be complaining about how the first family is wasting money on fancy clothes when normal American's are struggling.

I saw them and went 'god, I wish I had been that stylish as a teenager...or even now.'

Remember Rush Limbaugh referring to Chelsea Clinton as the White House dog? Talk about keeping it classy.

The comment about Sasha and Malia's outfits was just about the stupidest thing anyone could say, let alone incredibly offensive. They look like adorable, normal young ladies. The girls have never worn anything that could be construed as inappropriate (as if Michelle would allow this, the lady knows from decorum).

Not that she should be tearing them down anyway, but these clothes seriously look like if Ann Taylor had a juniors department. I'm so sick of pretend outrage.

My thoughts exactly. I was so, horribly awkward looking at their age. Those two are stunning.

I'll just copy and paste what I wrote on Gawker:

this woman is stupid or something if she doesn't realize that those girls were wearing the exact clothes the white house thought they should be wearing for a public event. Casual, like most of America at their thankSgiving celebrations. If they were supposed to wear nicer clothes they would have been. Plus, they're