
"I imagine it'd be more like a balloon."

My cats are extremely affectionate, but in a very cat way. Like you said, they always have to be in the same room as me. If I'm sleeping, they're going to be on the bed with me. If I'm taking a bath, they're going to be next to the tub. If I'm watching TV, they're going to be in the living room, somewhere nearby.

I think people who don't own cats see them as more aloof than they really are, because cats won't go meet human strangers that come into their house like dogs do (as a general rule).

Dogs have spoiled us with their sycophantic loyalty. I think MOST animals are probably as indifferent to us as cats (certainly geese and pigeons). Dogs are the outlier in my view. Cats are the antidote to doggie obeisance and were created to remind humans we aren't the center of the universe. Their indifference is a

you and your whacky ideas

I'm a UVA grad (non-Greek) from a long line of UVA grads, and my wife's brother was a Phi Psi there. This story absolutely devastated me. However...there are things that I question about the story. NOT THE OVERALL VERACITY. Can't make that clear enough. But some of the dialogue just seems too good to be true.

*NOW* UVA & Phi Kappa Psi *promise* "their full cooperation?! Only after the glare of the media spotlight has finally shined down on the (alleged) rapists and rape-apologists—and the heinousness of what may have happened? Seriously—and I say this with the utmost venom—SHAME ON YOU ALL. I am actually goosebumped with

My sister gets hooked on these fad diets, seemingly a different one each time I talk to her. And she always acts all smug and superior about it, bad mouthing even the other diets she was on previously. She also points out how stupid anyone is (i.e. me) who does not follow her current food fad. I would also like to

I don't really understand the fascination with the "paleo" diet. Why would you want to eat like a paleolithic human when you're not a paleolithic human? Many of thing that our stone age ancestors ate don't even exist anymore. When was the last time you say mammoth meat for sale at the meat counter?

I'd be very interested to see continuing and expanded versions of this type of thing. Just constant demonstrations of lived experiences - that's what we need.

From an outside perspective, Americans are more or less the only people who contextualise like that with famous place names. For example, in a British or European movie that had a scene take place in Paris, it would just say 'Paris, 1965' or whatever, whereas American movies would much more likely say 'Paris, France.

Assuming everyone outside of the US has the same opinion is mindbogglingly narrow-minded. Also old people skew old-fashioned and conservative (for obvious reasons) so a pretty shitty sample you got there.

Brits do know black face is inappropriate in fact it rarely comes up as that's how much we understand it's

I was flabbergasted when it said Brixton I was like "this isn't some obscure rural backwater? No? It's an area of our most cosmopolitan city that saw the most infamous race riots in Britain? THAT MAKES SENSE"

YES! This is what makes the story even more absurd and shocking. Brixton is a hub of Afro-Caribbean culture in the city, and is one of the most culturally rich parts of London. The fuck. Are you that dumb?*

More like some Americans need to stop acting like American cultural values apply world wide.

So it's like when someone says something happened in "Chelsea" with no context that Chelsea is a neighborhood in New York. Good to know.

Riiiigght, because everything is about 'Murica and its history. Most countries historically experienced racism in their own way, different from USA's and most have little knowledge about USA's black face history or melon/chicken references. (Seriously who does not like chicken or melons?!)

I'm going to guess they were white Australians. Let's not excuse Australia's problematic history with race any more than we excuse America's.

Majority of people in the UK do know that black-face is offensive because we had black and white minstrel shows. I have called out Americans for wearing blackface and they had the same response. We need stop acting like people in the US are only ones that know that blackface is offensive.

I'm an attorney, and my firm does some defense work. Never in a million years would we do something like this. I have repeatedly tried to explain to people that when you defend someone accused of rape, you have a duty to do some unpleasant things, but THIS IS NOT ONE OF THEM.