
Surge pricing isn't hidden but often times you don't know there's going to be a surge until it's happening. So if you randomly went out one Tuesday to get drunk and didn't want to drive, then went to use Uber on the way home only to find there's a surge going on, what are your options? I'm not really referring to her

There is a lot of hating going on here, but you know what? I would much rather pay $1 to help her out because she was responsible enough to NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. Also, if you're a 20 min car ride from home you have to be concerned about your safety late at night, no matter who you are. So props to her for making it

It'd be sweet if we just invested in public transportation that women felt safe using.

Do you know Snoop Dog? That guy who has put his wife through hell. Who openly loves porn and claims that he has pimped women out before? Not to mention that he is old enough to be Iggy's father. You know that guy? Isn't it so much easier to hate on this stupid white girl than you know, the misogynist that is not

Totally agree. A mean-spirited article against for absolutely no reason. I don't get it.

for real. I think it's kind of mean to make fun of someone, simply because they're being persistent in trying to grow their career. Tho had the flavor of a "cool" kid making fun of the "nerd" for studying before a test. WTF. Since when do we rip on women who work hard to get somewhere around here?

Sidenote: the reddit folks are almost universally on the "um, did these women know they were on film & the CBC execs were watching it because, um, that's really wrong" - so even some Canadians can learn. *deep breath*

I forget. Why do we not like Rita Ora? Or did the giant wheel of "Female Celebrities Jezebel Hates" finally land on her?

Also, even if that were somehow a valid point - isn't 3 or 4 enough to suggest a problem? Like, is there a daily limit of threatening and aggressive comments a woman should allow before it's a real problem?

Also being harassed 3-4/day when all you're doing is walking down the street is 3-4 times too many.

respect is for men.

The fact that he acknowledged that there were three or four incidents in ONE day of filming that would make someone uncomfortable — doesn't that say it all right there?

and really, how exactly is "only" three or four incidents NOT a problem, anyway?

Limbaugh allowed that out of the 108 separate harassment incidents Shoshana Roberts, the actress in the video, experienced, there were "three, maybe four that would fit the bill that would make you uncomfortable, nervous, whatever."

Thanks. I still might click but bleeech - not up for it at the moment. BTW, it's nice to have a new friend.

So if the pattern holds, Chris Brown might start to see backlash over his domestic abuse some time around 2050.

I don't like how Buress is using this to discredit those who say there needs to be changes made in Black America. Tough love isn't self hate. Even though Cosby is a pile of shit, Buress' nonsense is equally-if-not-more damaging.

The first thing I did, of course, was click on the links because that's just who I am. For the squeamish, I'll satisfy your curiosity: It's exactly as fucking creepy as you think it is.

Instead, he has been confined to a psychiatric hospital, one which he is unlikely to ever be allowed to leave.

Who is reading this guy's posts where he thinks "Yeah, they'll probably want to hear all of this horseshit but they'll probably be pretty offended if I use bitch. I should probably just hint at it.".