
Right? I'm as liberal as they come but if someone published my random, not for for consumption comments and remarks, I would be a lot more like Bristol than Chelsea (minus the "liberal media" BS of course). Fuck is my favorite word.

Ahahaha! I know this is trolling, but it IS kind of funny.

Actually, it would more be like telling the taxi driver to stop, paying them for whatever distance you've gone, and going no further with the taxi driver. Duh.

Uh.... No. No I did not miss it. Its in the first paragraph of THIS article. Thats the whole point. What the hell.

It's like a non-diabetic saying "I don't give a shit about injectable insulin."

a. My little sister comes up to me and says "some old lady just fucking pushed me, she just hit me." Oh fucking hell no, no one's gonna touch my sister.

I wouldn't give a shit about money either if I already had as much of it as Chelsea Clinton does.

I actually laughed out loud. I'm sure it was hard enough for him to follow the analogy in the first place b/c I didn't use the word "sluts" but then to like take it to an entirely different universe, I'm almost impressed.

That is quite literally the funniest thing I have read all day. 10/10 for hilarity. 1/10 for being a human being with a working brain.

Wow that troll who responded to you really has no idea about consent. I'm just...flabbergasted right now. Because obvi the women who are accusing him prob just regretted it after amirite

Yup. Anyone who uses 50 Shades as a healthy comparative example of BDSM needs to be run away from...very quickly.

I'm suspicious of anyone who blabs incessantly about how kinky they are. Everyone is quick to claim they have some kink or "fetish" these days. Getting aroused by titties, for instance, is not a "fetish;" hate to break it to you but you basic. And being a misogynist is not a protected sexual class. The More Sexually

FFS, people just do not understand consent and I don't see why it's so hard. I mean apply it to the most basic of concepts.....say, riding in a taxi. I hail a cab and consent to you giving me a ride in exchange for me paying you. That doesn't mean you get to just come grab me off the street, throw me in your cab, and

Doom goes in here!

I ate an Olive Garden once and had a similarly crazy waiter. It was late and the guy was... off...

We have regulars at the place i work, a old lady with Alzheimer's and her husband, who bless his heart, takes such great care of her, but is a bit off himself. One day he grabs a server and says to her "Dont you hear that lady screaming?! Shes being raped, why is no one helping her?!!!" She tells him theres no woman

My FIL once drove two hours at the butt-crack of dawn to get my MIL some beignets while she was pregnant.

I was once eating at an Olive Garden in college (I was probably a little stoned, to be honest) and our waiter was acting a bit insane. I don't remember details, but I know he came up to our table shortly after taking our order and made a long speech about the disgusting institution that is the Olive Garden and how it

I know this might not be the best place to say it, but i just need to express my eternal gratitude to jezebel for having the only comments section anywhere on the Internet that fills me with joy instead of anger.

Something gloriously retro about this set... in that vein...

I was expecting that second story to end with a wacky twist about what they really wanted and were mistakenly calling eggshells. But nope - it was eggshells all along.