
Yikes. I mean it's really frustrating when that happens, for sure. But Uhhhh if you're at the point where you're ready to move in with the person don't you think the onus is on your if you don't get all pertinent information about the person before hand?

Ahem, you should have realized by now that you don't work WITH cats but FOR cats.

God be all, "Wait... which Cinnamon are you praying for again?"

It amazes me sometimes, the lengths that guys will do to, to have a "legitimate" reason for looking at nekkid women. IMO, Men don't have as much problem dealing with women as we do dealing with how we feel about women. And this is how it manifests itself.

Prayers that come from P.O. Boxes are simply returned.

I pray for him to get some taste in clothing, and am petitioning his local government to give me all his private information so I can send all my gay friends to his house to "help" him.

I'm just wondering, (hoping), that if by any chance he shows up at any one of these women's doors, his precious local gun laws allow her to just Blow. Him. The. Fuck. Away.

So, he wants to pray for them because Love and Jesus or something, but then he turns around and speaks dismissively of the "so-called right to privacy" of people "who dance on a stage naked." Really feeling the love there, dudebro.

'It's mah right to be a creep and stalk these wimmens! They get nekkid, I can do what ever I want to them!' Asshat.

Wow. Women who are denied legal (safe) abortions are essentially forced to give birth.

I argued this with my mother the other night. While she reluctantly says women should be able to breastfeed wherever, without a cover, she says she would suggest someone cover up so the baby doesn't "absorb the negative energy of the looks." My head nearly exploded at that. But the point I was trying to make is: Some

What's funny is that if they weren't so dann nosy, they probably wouldn't notice. Most times when I breastfed in public, I was in long sleeves and pants so you really had to be looking hard.

REALLY. tell us more. what was the other issue. tell us.

I've fed my two month old in a variety of places and never had an issue, but honestly one of the best experiences I had was at the mechanic. The 20-something mechanic actually had a full conversation with me about what was wrong with the car while I was nursing without a cover. He acted like this was no big thing,

Yeah, daring to expose her breast whilst breastfeeding seems to be the issue here. Ridiculous. You should not have to smother your child if you don't want to. Some babies really do not like it and it is ridiculous to demand it of people. It is also illegal to demand it of people.

Because the whole point is that the women are supposed to STAY HOME!! Duh! Really makes perfect sense when you think about it

I don't live in the U.S., and the attitude towards breastfeeding simply boggles my mind. It doesn't make sense at all. On a very basic, common sense level, I don't understand how people can argue that BABIES SHOULD NOT BE FED. It's inhumane and cruel! It's a law/policy forcing parents to deny their children the

So, in parts of America, people force women to give birth to children but the same people won't allow said women to feed their babies? OKAY THEN.

The disrespect is just astounding. The ten bones I spent on a nursing cover was a waste because my daughter wasn't having it. The "cover up" suggestion is not a solution. Getting over yourself and waiting for the 10 minutes it takes to drain my breast, however, is a solution.

Right? I got boobs around 6th grade; I have lived with them for 26 years, give or take. They aren't that interesting, people! They are just additional surface area to which to apply soap at bath-time. My boobs are marginally less interesting than a sandwich and an "Us" magazine.