
Oh, Fitz. Just constantly treating Mellie like trash.

I don't know what you mean, here.

Dude. Everything you said +1000. We can drink red wine (well, I'll be drinking beer but metaphorically) and stew because omg why is that fucker not dead yet.

I'm not watching only because I don't have a tv (I will watch it on Hulu tomorrow though). Just came in here to say that I hope Fitz dies in the end. I have never hated a character as much as I have hated Fitz. He is a manipulative, emotionally stunted, verbally abusive, idiotic hypocrite and Olivia is an idiot for

That's how you would talk to a person. Women aren't people, they're targets! It's a numbers game, man!

Did you ever wonder why the classic Nigerian Prince scam never really evolved, or why those scam emails invariably have awful grammar? It's intentional. Their con requires a mark that will overlook obvious red flags in favor of an easy buck. A god awful email is a high-efficiency way of choosing only the ripest

How is that even a reasonable reaction whatsoever? She just asked why the hell he'd think she was "a bit of a dirty girl". Obviously, the answer was he was sending the exact same message to multiple women and he got defensive instead of just reading her profile again, admitting it, or running away. Like, how would


I could really use a nose-kiss from a cute dog today. :(

I love "forced-birthers." Can we use that as their name for all time from now on??

Does this happen to young guys too? My brother and I once got into an argument with this super conservative couple at a dinner party. I did 80% of the talking. After, they told my brother he was quite smart, and me that I was adorable but would come around.

My dad says it too. Nope, I will be a bleeding heart liberal until the day I die. Just like my mom and her entire family. I will be the old lady in a fabulous hat at democratic presidential rallies with signs that use expletives, tyvm.

I've actually had 70-year-old antichoice bigots pat my arm condescendingly and say "Oh, I used to believe in abortion rights when I was young, too— one day you'll understand". As if we all grow up to magically become forced-birthers once we hit a certain level of wisdom. I was 35 at the time. I nearly bit off her

I know this wasn't your point, but your comment kinda reads like your dad is saying he speaks Jive and that someday you'll get the hang of it.

I think you make an important point Michael. The line we've drawn is relatively arbitrary. As it is for smoking, drinking, voting, etc. Being 18 or 21 is not a measure of agency. It's not a measure of sexual education. It's not a measure of access to contraceptives or family planning resources. And it's not a measure

That's easy! Legit porn production companies are not at all interested in being charged with child sexual abuse. So they require legal confirmation that any actor they employ is, without question, of age to participate in sex films. They really don't fuck around.

From what I've read, they were willing to forgive almost everything. He apparently contracted HIV while a pastor there, he mishandled the money, even admittedly had sex in the church...What the church is not cool with is putting congregants at risk for AIDS (while having church sex). I am a pastor, and I can safely

So because I've never been there I'm not allowed to say anything? Would you rather we all just collectively shut up and let things here turn into what they are over there?

"Ah, I see you're a 32C. That means you have an outgoing personality but you require your alone time. You struggle to balance work and home. Sometimes you feel unheard, but you need to trust in your voice because your thoughts are important."

There is a gloriously cranky woman in Philadelphia who has a bra fitting place and it's the only place I buy bras now. I walked in for the first time and she took one look at my chest and shouted "NO! At least two sizes wrong! Get in the changing room right now!"