
Actual laughing.

I think many people are finally getting freaked out about this. At first it was a nice, romantic way to declare that Scotland is awesome and not just England's afterthought, and that it would be a symbolic vote that took a nice stand about being a separate culture and everyone would wear kilts for a bit and then

Also: "Scottish Independence could be a great day for Democracy," Someone should probably explain to her how democracy works. (i.e. it's not just democracy when it goes the way you want).

To be honest, I think she is just saying shit to get attention.

What is the deal with fashion designers? Any time they try to talk about non-fashion things, they end up making asses of themselves somehow. I mean, being pro-Scottish independence, despite the the Damehood, is one thing. That's excusable. But adding in "I hate England?" Really?

I've liked a lot of her collections in the past (this one isn't doing a lot for me, though), but I am rolling my eyes at her pro-Scottish-independence lines. "I feel like they" and "it seems more like" ARE NOT VALID CRITICISMS OF A MAJOR SOCIO-ECONOMIC POLITICAL ISSUE. You might as well just say you think Scotland

I'm going to take a radical stance here and say I don't support teachers using school equipment to manufacture drugs or moonshine for personal/recreational use, either.

Yes. Really, they can be/are ostracized from the church: barred from communion, sometimes prohibited from fully folding children into the life of the church, etc. (Mind you, I don't have direct experience in this, but a read through the comments here will show....)

It's easy to scoff this stuff off ("oh well, religion

It is actually something. Up until now Catholic couples "living in sin" were not given the right to marry in the church they support. He is setting a precedent here, and a pretty forward thinking president for Rome.

I'm confused because as a gay guy I've spent DECADES watching almost exclusively straight couples on tv and in movies and try as they might they haven't seemed to turn me straight... So how does this work?

So what are the names of all of these "girl on girl" movies? You know, for research.

My grandmother taught me early that the price of progress is often jealousy, good natured though it may be.

It's nice of these guys to give the women around them such a clear and undeniable red flag. Most people have to wait weeks or even months to figure out that a guy is a piece of shit, they're really saving us all a lot of time here.

If the Guardian wished to rip into Bolshoi for the lack of PoC, they should (not could, SHOULD) have ripped them a new one for the lack of East and North Asians, not for the lack of blacks. There is a huge number of local Russians who are ethnically East and North Asian (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demograph… ).

I'd love to know what kind of responses she gets. I once put something in my profile about a potential match needing to have a full time job and not live with his parents, and I got at least five messages about me being a "gold digger" and "wanting a man to support me". I'm sure she gets a TON of hate mail.

This is blatantly anti-woman. Either make a policy that GoFundMe can never be used to raise funds for health care or anything obliquely related to medical care, or fuck off.

Who approved this shit?

No she wants her personal space respected. He isn't overweight. His ass fits in the seat. His legs can remain closed.

We just want to be able to sit with our legs straight out, in proportion to our hips (at least I do). I shouldn't have to scrunch my legs together like that just so you can air out your balls. He's encroaching into her personal space.

Some constructive criticism, thehunchbackofnotredwayne, since I see you are interested in pursuing a path in sexist trolling: you need to commit (I would suggest you fact-check, too, put that's probably beyond you — Maddie is a staff writer here, just FYI! That is a full-time position, and also a vagina is not