
I had a guy accuse me of stealing change out of his car once. Next time his car came in I emptied the change out of my tool box into his cup holders. No complaints that time. People are insane. Naturally they need to bring their cars in for service at somepoint and take it out on the shop.

Second hand WRX wagon with a digital gram scale under the seat. Previous owner must have been a chef or something.

Could you have found a creepier picture?

Hands down it’s underestimating the time it will take you to complete a job. My rule of thumb is to think of everything that could go wrong, factor that time in, and then double it. Whether it’s a part that you didn’t realize you would need, a tool you don’t quite have, or a nut you’ll strip...you will be under the

Most modern astronauts are nerds, so that’s just as difficult on Earth.

We got the chance to see one of the original Kdf Wagenns. It is a 1943 middleman said lo be the 8th oldest VW in existence.

I don’t think you can nominate yourself for COTD, but this is the best suggestion out there.

The first one.

They were right to kill it after this generation.

Spy Hunter.

“Prepare to qualify”

This has been said before, but it’s important to note again: he knew how much he was loved and respected. All too often we wax poetic after the person is gone. While that will (rightfully) continue here, he went to his grave fully aware of the support he had, and how much he was loved.

The exact same car you drove in High School. It shows you take care of things.

Tesla Model S P85D

Mi vida en un gráfico.


No rubber dog shit out of Hong Kong?

Colonel, you better have a look at this radar.