
Hey! Look at what I picked up a couple of months ago. Glad I did it then...

Leukemia is fucking vile and I cannot wait until the day it is eradicated from this earth. I’ve seen far too many friends and family struggle and lose to it.

It’s not that strange. 

‘76 Matador???

First thing I noticed was the crocs. He must be shamed for 40 days and nights.

As a former convertible owner, I agree with this sentiment. DON’T WASTE THE NICE DAY. PUT THE TOP DOWN, YOU DINKS. :)

Booze works wonder.

I-5 between Seattle and Portland. There’s some gorgeous mountains, water, and interesting back roads in the area, but I-5 runs straight through suburban sprawl, industrial zones, farms, and clear cuts the whole way, and is filled with undertrained drivers, truckers texting, variable speed limits, and miserable traffic

The day I bought my 1970 vw bug, I had to pull over at a gas station because it was overheating, the idle was too high but I did not know that since I had just bought the car. Out of the gas station comes an old man, he then pulls out a pocket knife, opens the rear decklid and starts adjusting the carb. Turns out it

That’s not an ultralight, and damn, the passenger/videographer needs to see a goddamned dentist.

Two such men, in fact.

For my entire adult life, I would answer the question “are we going to war with North Korea today?” with a resolute “no, of course not.”

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well done.

I live for the hot takes after the expert names.

Now playing

I recently discovered it and it is wonderful and a breath of fresh air from the usual car shows. Really, Mr. Torchinsky nails it. Mr China will sit down on the show and go over step by step what is needed to fix a particular piece of a car. This clip is a great example of his work: how to replace the drive motor on an

Seattle is the same, only our sheep wear black on our long, dark winter days. Sometimes the glow from the phone is the only warning you have that a pedestrian has jaywalked in front of your car without looking up.

Stupid Kyle. He didn’t even try to talk about it or see a replay, he just walked right up and cold-cocked Joey.

There’s a very distinct chance you were conceived in the backseat of one too.

Get ready for the season opener on February 26! The historic Daytona 166+167+167!