I mean, the food bank donation is cool and all, but the best possible way to resolve a dispute over a 99-pack would obviously be to take one down and pass it around.
I mean, the food bank donation is cool and all, but the best possible way to resolve a dispute over a 99-pack would obviously be to take one down and pass it around.
Alta Vista is good, I hear.
I think you’re on the white track.
But she didn’t piss off the Wu-Tang. Wu-Tang Clan Ain’t Nuthing ta Fuck Wit.
C’mon, it ain’t a movie night / Without the inclusion of...BLACK DY-NO-MITE!
Not “only concerned”. “Also concerned”. See, having empathy for people who have fucked up is a virtue because everybody fucks up. Not everybody fucks up as badly as others, but that’s the entire point - there are gradations of fucking up, and those should be acknowledged.
Whoa. Haiku!
Because I lack imagination.
Funny, but technically speaking, the figure of speech Wombat is shitting all over here is actually an analogy, not a metaphor, since your comment’s relationship to Weinstein and Hoffman was merely implied rather than directly stated.
He hates not the metaphors. For metaphors are the wood, and he is the fire. The wood loves the fire.
Just because they have different talking points on issues doesn’t mean they aren’t essentially beholden to their donors and lobbyists. It isn’t about the issues specifically, but the broad strokes nature of how two major, entrenched parties in a corrupt system function. Way to miss that point.
Who the fuck is Nev Schulman?
Mad Max 4 was a feminist manifest y’all!
I think all of you guys are simply swallowing the bait here. This is a conscious entertainment kerfluffle, made from whole cloth (hey lets call James Cameron!) timed perfectly for the DVD and on demand availability of WONDER WOMAN. It’s publicity 101
It’s never too soon to tell Mr. Cameron to go fuck himself.
It should be remembered that James Cameron is an asshole.