1) This dumb election has made every single politically minded person lose their minds and I can’t wait until it’s over
1) This dumb election has made every single politically minded person lose their minds and I can’t wait until it’s over
I guess you could call a boss telling his workers, as well as others in the industry, whom he relies on to make money, that they should be happy they get paid at all and should work as many hours as asked because they are just lucky to be there in the first place thinking differently. But, I’d call it an asshole.
By “everybody seeks to internet shame them” you mean “meany people strongly criticize that opinion”, correct? Because, yes, that has always been the kind of thing that can happen when you give an opinion.
Yeah... You didn’t support Sanders. But the down ticket talking point is better than most, so, kudos.
So u complain about bernie or bust, then say if bernie gets the nom will vote green party. Jez does shit like this because people like u continue to click on every single article. There are about 7 of u hillary supporters that come into every article on bernie or hillary and give the same complaints about jez. Jez…
That’s not true. These big ticket fundraisers are an end run around campaign finance laws to get more money to Mrs. Clinton’s campaign. It’s akin to money laundering. The DNC/DCCC/DSCC don’t care about down ballot races. They have not even bothered to field candidates for a lot of congressional seats. In other cases,…
Which is insanity in and of itself. Bernie is what the Democratic Party SHOULD be.
I fucking LOVE Bernie’s ‘optics’.
Sony has offered to let her fulfill the contract by working with other producers. She has declined claiming that they wouldn’t promote music she made with another producer, which is a pretty bizarre claim.
The problem with this view is, complicated.
It’s about the interpretation and application of existing law. If you don’t like it, talk to your state representatives. But let’s stop with the bashing of the Judge and Court. Her ruling was not wrong.
Yep! I was about to say the same thing, being denied a preliminary injunction on the grounds that she wasn’t able to prove irreparable harm just means that money damages are sufficient to compensate her for any wrong doing that is eventually proven at trial. PIs are difficult to get, even more so when the party is…
This this this. Posted about this in the comments of another article. There is been no trial, there has been no verdict. People need to stop using those words.
The Court is NOT on Dr. Luke’s “side.” The Judge merely applied the law to the facts. As an attorney one of the hardest things to deal with are bad facts. They are what they are and we do our best to construe them most favorably to our clients but ultimately Judges have no discretion to choose a “side” they like. It’s…
This election is not about men vs. women, its about Us, the rest of us, vs. Them, the 1%. A billionaire's feminist wife should vote for Hillary. Everyone else should vote for Bernie.
Agreed. When I first heard that quote all I could think was “Yeah, that’s true but I don’t think it applies here. Applies more to women who anti-abortion and shit on other women to make themselves feel better or whatever.”
You're rude as hell
Answer to the question: however the fuck she wants. The question is insulting (not that I’m pointing fingers at Stassa, just, you know, at the entire culture of this debate).
The same thing happened to me. I was just to chat with somebody and all of a sudden it was Sanders this and Sanders that! And like even the next day, I kept getting messages about Sanders- gchat, email, facebook messenger, AIM. And she just kept talking about Sanders lifelong commitment and how his core values have…
I support Bernie because of who he is, not what he is. I oppose Hillary because who she is, not what she is.