
I think someone stayed up very late, drank a few too many cups of coffee, and then had the type of brilliant thought process known to people who pull all nighters and said,” I KNOW! I’LL WRITE LIKE I’M BACK IN A CREATIVE WRITING WORKSHOP WITH THAT HOT TEACHER WHO HAD A VANITY NOVEL PUBLISHED THAT ONE TIME!”

A strong argument for the people who believe that white people shouldn’t say “woke”?

Did Spaeth honestly think that the station would just ignore the first two answers and go with the third answer? Didn’t either of them see the red light on the camera through all this and realize, “Oh crap, we’re so screwed?”

You say it like Hillary didn’t break her agreement to debate Bernie again before California.

so because she refused a debate, the mean ol mens shouldn’t have one? lol, the old lady had her a chance and she took her ball and went home, so fuck her.

Just speaking from my own experience, mentioning anything about her record is followed quickly with the attempted shut down: “you’re just saying that because she’s a woman.” Snake eating its own tail

Yet you mentioned his avoidance of her record only once and in passing at that.

He brings that up to point out that people can’t relate to her. She doesn’t seem like a regular everyday person to some people. I know that’s a fucking stupid thing to consider when electing a leader, but it makes people feel better.

If that were actually the case, you’d be writing about her record not her gender.

But, again, male politicians have made what you are calling “hobbies” central parts of their signaling for several election cycles. George W Bush would “have a beer” with you, Reagan was your granddad, Bill Clinton the Charming Southern Boy, Barack Obama played basketball and had the hardest time quitting smoking.

I take the point that gender is a factor in her unpopularity and it’s preposterous Brooks doesn’t mention this. But I think you’re straw-manning Brooks’s point about hobbies a little. He mentions lack of hobbies as a symptom of a broader likeability issue: “Clinton’s unpopularity is akin to the unpopularity of a

Perhaps it’s because America doesn’t give a shit that she’s a woman? There’s that possibility.

Bill's hobby, strange pussy, didn't earn him any points.

So if she’s disliked simply because she’s a woman, then how can you have any honest discussion about the numerous reasons she shouldn’t be President? At the end of the day, you can dismiss all arguments as “Well of course they’d say that, she’s a woman”. It can’t possibly be because of her handling of this email

If he is interested I’ll sell him the rights to the song I wrote titled “You ain’t ever gonna win a Stanley Cup or NBA Championship, motherfucker.”

When everything is wrong, nothing is wrong?

You got me bro, wow did you get me or what? Man, I missed that apostrophe so hard, you really gave me what for with that one, PersnicketyPants! Pack it up folks, sickest burn of 2016 has been delivered and I am it’s unfortunate recipient. Man, wow, wow that was a good one. One little apostrophe, thats all it takes.

Sometimes I realize a minority of Democrats thought the Iraq War was a good idea. I actually met several, stared at them in disbelief, and called them insane to their face. I engaged in long rants about the silencing of dissent in the media, Phil Donohue being a paragon of even-handed reason and logic being kicked off

Exactly. Judith Miller is still a shit reporter and Christopher Hitchens continued to be the bloviating ball of hot air until he died.

Its zealotry to decide that people who voted for an illegal war shouldn’t be elected to office again a few years later?