I really like STO, and seeing it marketed in such an underhanded way just feels..icky.
I really like STO, and seeing it marketed in such an underhanded way just feels..icky.
Yeah, because not much debate is good, right? Your partisanship is making you stupid. I’m a democrat and am disgusted at how the whole process is rigged on our side. The Repubs are actually doing a fabulous job for democracy. We, by contrast, look like the Soviet Union.
BA English Literature magna cum laude, Harvard College 1971 and after all this time, the only value you’ve gotten out of it is bragging about it on Gawker in 2016.
And yet, no stars.
yes,, much better than Hillary gets to ignore questions for a handful of debates and then waltz into the presidency…..
Well, your crew fired Dennis for shit’s sake. What do you expect?
Sam, its not the snowstorm. They just realized they have to depend on you for their formative years
Why did I think you were gay? I think it was during the live blog of the Republican debate last week. (not that there’s anything wrong with that)
Right this very minute, he is on his 50th page about Nynaeve pulling on her braid.
That’s all it is... a difficulty update.... a paid difficulty update. This is something that should be in the vanilla game.
You have to pay for this? What the fuck.
Not the worst one either. As blasphemous as it is to say on Jalopnik, I’d be cool with shifting the world away from oil dependency as fast as possible and letting the oil economies of the Middle East die on the vine.
Whole lotta armchair generals in here ready to send in thousands of troops to kick some ass.
Lawyers are relentless, man. During my lawsuit, they had copies of all the shit I said on Reddit (none of which was pertinent or harmful, but still).
actually that wasn’t for you..it was for the one above you. I must have clicked by accident.
Hard working modders that will have 40-50% of their revenue pocketed by Steam, and 25% pocketed by the game developer, leaving them with 25% of their actual sales. How generous and ethical!
Earlier this year, Valve sent the mod community into crisis mode with paid mods for Skyrim. It did not end well.
We are a republic. It helps to start with facts before ranting about how the US isn’t something it isn’t. We don’t compare ourselves to a foreign nation that is the size of one US state.
Listen, there are lots of problems with the democratice process in America, for sure, but I’m interested to know where this civic unicorn-land is that you apparently live in.
This guy gets it. Can I have your name sir, or will penciling your Gawker handle into my ballot suffice?