
My Intel Core i5 4690K Nvidia GTX 970 desktop PC can run hot enough that I can’t leave my hand on the hottest point, so I’m trying to imagine how hot this thing must run when it’s stressed. Could it start a fire if you left a sheet of paper under it?

Of course there’s a trade to be made for a laptop reaching towards desktop power levels. The battery life is bad—we’re talking under an hour while gaming—but that’s par for the course with gaming laptops.

We have had this since a long time ago. then it was called “Level Select”. You typically unlock it by beating the game (or appropriate section[s]) at least once, or emulate it by saving to new slots periodically (When I played e.g. DOOM I would use a new save for each level, so I could later jump back to any level I

MTE. Perez might be an awful person/misogynist, but he’s been getting pedophile-shit about his son for a long time now.

They aren’t investors in anything. That’s like me going to visit my shit on lawaway at Wal-Mart to inspect my investment.

This movie looks better every day

I have this thing where I have been donating to Planned Parenthood “in honor of” some stupid douche every time I hear about selling fetal parts. It isn’t much, but I do what I can. My $5 donations add up over time. I think my last contribution was in honor of Mike Huckabee and I believe he got a postcard notifying him