The look on her face at 0:53 is perfect. Like, you’re such a fucking infant at these things. When I first saw this, it pissed me off to no end that he wouldn’t even look at her. What an absolute cockwomble.
The look on her face at 0:53 is perfect. Like, you’re such a fucking infant at these things. When I first saw this, it pissed me off to no end that he wouldn’t even look at her. What an absolute cockwomble.
The problem with very dumb people is they assume everyone around them is as dumb as they are, if not dumber. The irony of intelligent people who scratched and scraped their whole careers to reach the top of their game now being sent Fox News clips to celebrate easily-debunkable lies...I can only imagine how…
She’s set Putin in his place more than once - our POTUS is like a squishy fun balloon to bat around in comparison.
Oh I bet she handed it to him in the private meetings. When the reporter asks if they discussed NATO and Trump takes a sec, and then he says “Talked about many things” you can tell he’s pissed oh I hope she said something witty and cutting and smart and it sticks in his orange craw for all eternity.
Now that President Obama has moved on, it’s actually nice to see the new leader of the free world sitting in the Oval Office, and also Donald Trump.
I think people, even feminist people, can understand the power of societal pressure and implicit biases but still fail to check how their own action and thoughts are impacted by it. For example, I shave my body hear and sure sometimes it feels really nice but I’m not going to pretend it’s empowering and the main…
I heard something on NPR about the US contacts the embassy of the foreign national. Normally someone at the embassy rubber-stamps the deportation paperwork, certifying that the accused is indeen a citizen of their country. A spokesperson from Mexico suggested that if Trump continued being hostile toward Mexico,…
“You know who we are and you know why we’re here,” they said
It’s almost like the whole thing is just a part of a campaign to blame all of the country’s problems on mysterious, brown-skinned foreigners...
The risks of pregnancy and delivery outnumber those of abortion by a country fuckin’ mile. These people are dangerous, disingenuous liars. Like “save the storks” oh how cute when maternal death has actually been climbing in the US. Rage.
My short-term life goal is to be the person who did this!
Meanwhile, Olympic-level trolling inside:
Because they don’t want to say or do the wrong thing and then get this guy’s case thrown out on a technicality. Look, some things take some time to do right and investigating and charging people with murder and/or hate crimes is one of those things. Despite what our illustrious president would have you think,…
What’s disturbing about this first month is that nothing noteworthy has happened. There hasn’t been a terrorist attack like in Orlando. There haven’t been riots like in Ferguson. There hasn’t been a major natural disaster like a massive flood or hurricane. There hasn’t been a diplomatic crisis abroad.
I was trying to be sarcastic there (hence /s), but, in all seriousness, hating people from your own group/community is always a safe bet, nobody can accuse you of anything.
“We are a family and we will always be a family and we will get through this time and hopefully be a stronger family for it.”
I just finished reading a book on Victorian life and it talked a lot about how women were supposed to just be quiet about stuff that sucked about their lives, lest they distress the men and make themselves seem undesirable. It seems like we still do that now, by not talking about all the terrible shit we have to go…
K thanks for explaining. It’s weird for me as a Canadian to hear universal healthcare described as socialist. There is nothing socialist about Canada. We have universal healthcare simply because we believe the decent thing to do is remove the profit motive from medicine and make sure nobody has to worry about being…
Republicans: “Oh Christ, we’re getting to be too shitty for ourselves.”