Long Pig Helper

It’s not ‘stupid’. It’s cognitive dissonance at work, and very smart people can fall victim to it. Once you have a worldview that’s set in place, you’re going to look for reasons to reject information that conflicts with that worldview because reorienting your whole understanding of the world is painful and difficult.

If ETP and SXL start drilling again in defiance of the Army Corp of Engineers, then the Governor of North Dakota and the local sheriff will surely have to go after them with water cannons, dogs, rubber bullets, and orders to evacuate, right? Right? Because they care about laws and stuff.

It’s politics as Big Sportsgame. The sole point is seeing your team win, so you can get raving drunk with your buddies and cruise around denegrating everyone on the other team, then go home and pass out in a puddle of your own warm vomit.

The Planet Money podcast just did an episode in which they tracked down one of the guys who writes those fake news stories, including the one about the supposed Clinton email investigator’s suicide. He said that he originally also posted stories designed to appeal to liberals, but the articles would almost immediately

Statistically, every political party (and every other group of more than about 100 people) should have a few pedophiles in it, just based on the horrific number of children who get abused. That’s not evidence of any kind of conspiracy — but that’s not important, because pizzagate isn’t about fighting child abuse; it’s

Someone on NPR quoted someone without attribution (which I’m doing right here) and said “the middle ground between information and misinformation is still misinformation.” I feel like that’s described the last two fucking years.

This applies.

GoFundme is going to be full of Trump supporters begging for handouts.

Exactly! I have a friend who grew up in a small town in Kansas and whenever I used to try the “Well, poor white people in Appalachia/mid-west only know what they grew up with” line, she’d counter with “I grew up in a small town surrounded by conservative and racist family and and friends, but I knew that that shit was

Right? “It ain’t Donald’s policies that tanked the economy, it was those people buying lobster and iphones with my tax dollars!”

Noooo Canada we need you to behave. We need to look up (geography joke!) to your goodness!!!

Sorry for this rant, but my God, I am SO SICK of people treating the rust belt/Midwest like it’s THE BACKBONE OF AMERICA and more important than people in liberal and/or big cities. This is 2016, not 1950. These people spent decades voting for policies and candidates who defunded education and sent jobs overseas, and

My sympathy becomes a little stretched when you purposely elect a proud proto-fascist.

You last sentence reminds me of this, the best tweet ever from the best twitter:

I can’t wait to see what happens to these communities when Paul Ryan’s Trojan horse comes to take their social security, disability, and Medicare payments away. That ripping sound you hear is the social fabric and social contract that you assumed was just part of life being torn asunder. That’s what small government

I’d rather outnumber/quarantine than understand/attempt to reason with them at this point, they’re fucking hopeless.

I’ve seen a lot of online posts saying that we need to work to understand the “Trump voter.” That liberal elitism prevented us from seeing/reaching the scared middle-American who saw their way of life slipping away. But, seriously, fuck that nonsense. I grew up in a small Alaskan town and I got out. I’ve gone back

You seriously don’t think that the modern Presidency involves a role for the (fine) First Spouse which the President’s spouse is expected to fulfill? If Michelle Obama had come in and just spent her days in the residence reading books, can you even imagine what a racist shitstorm would have ensued?

Is anyone really surprised she’s turning out to be little more than a paid escort?

I can’t imagine Melania has any intention of fulfilling the duties— or even an idea what they are — of being First Lady.