You had me at “queasine”. Take the star!
You had me at “queasine”. Take the star!
What did I miss? I have noticed and wondered where he’s been the last couple years! He seemed on the verge of breaking then <poof>.
This will end well.
C-PSA: You’re allowed to carry 3g of maple syrup on your person for ‘personal use’.
I know Squeeb was behind it.
Does Ezra hit any women?
Red Table or it didn’t happen.
Side note - I don’t think Esmail hid the influence.
THAT is creepy shit.
It’s a religious school. Don’t feign shock.
That’s it, Mike. Do not go gently into this good night. Rage. Rage against the dying of the bright.
‘If you’re protesting against racism, you’re going to upset some racists’
perspective new hire Page,
Apologies to Hunter S Thompson but his Nixon eulogy applies here too.
I refuse to believe you. -Infinity + x still = -Infinity.
This is 2021. She never said she isn’t planning to, either.
So are polygon and kotaku the same site now? Or 1-2 versions away from becoming a single site? I ask because the same stories in the same layout and the same article thumbnails are in play for both at the moment...