
He may have "bought" the house for $16 (which is awesome, mind you), but don't forget he still has to pay property taxes on that house. If it's anything like Houston, he'll be paying 2.5-3.5% of the home's tax value. That could be $750/mo.

Couple of hours max, I hope. That's fairly basic compositing work, though they did a pretty good job with the outlines.

I usually have a full glass of water right before going to bed... so my wake up time is usually dictated by, well, the need to urinate. Waking up to that is not exactly pleasant, so I usually want to go back to bed. This 7.5 hours thing sounds great though. I'd wake up earlier and get more done.

That's one of the funniest comments I've seen in a long time. The imagery is perfect.

If you look closely at the third picture (the guy with the black hoodie/jacket), you can see that he's not actually planking, but sleeping, as his legs are clearly not in "plank" mode.

Clearly, that was put together by a Windows-based company. A Mac-based company would have a single word on the slide: "iOS" :-)

There are dead spots all over the place. I, too, was surprised about it when I moved here from the Rocky Mountains. Speeds overall seem faster but there are dead spots on pretty much any major freeway...

I expected this to be the most death-defying stunt of this century... I too was let down when they simply duct-taped a Gillette to the runners.

Some plants and vegetables look like they have faces too... Ever seen Alice in Wonderland (the cartoon). :-)

Can we believe that hideous piece of "furniture" is from Ikea? Hmm.. I don't know, everything at Ikea is so un-Eurotrash and classy, how could they produce that cheap-looking thing?

I'd like to see a small business pay their quarterly tax payments or electric bill with BitCoin.

I think scarbrtj forgot about the explosion(s) in his rush to discredit the article.

True. I have an iPhone 4 and love it, but that view is anything but beauty. Maybe mildly interesting. If it looked like a fine Swiss watch's innards that would be another story.

+1 on the format comment. Go back to the old design Giz (oh wait, you can't because Gawker OWNS you).

I'm guessing he realized this may have been too ambitious for a first-gen 8-bit Nintendo game...

And the trend of expansionist government continues... I think we need a Cell Phone Czar now.

@illiniphase4: You had me at "punch this president in the nutsack..."

This thief is steezin': Jean shorts, black shirt, brow penny loafer shoes with scrunched down, mid-length gray (read: dirty) socks. Where can I get that setup?

@Seventhexile Speaks: Yet a better option: WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING! Do we really need the government to stick its ugly hand in yet one more part of our lives. If people would simply be more responsible we wouldn't have to worry about these things.

Photoshopped. Anyone who says differently is a damned liar.